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Lesson plan for children tnr. Individual lesson for children with severe speech impairments


Volosneva Tatiana Nikolaevna
Position: teacher speech therapist
Educational institution: MADOU MO Nyagan "D⁄s No. 9" Snow White "
Locality: Nyagan city, KhMAO, Tyumen region
Material name: Lesson summary
Topic: Summary of classes with a child with THR
Date of publication: 07.05.2018
Section: preschool education

Lesson with a child with TNR on the formation of general speech skills.

purpose: Formation

active speech communication (general speech skills and abilities).


Correctional and developmental:

Stimulate the appearance of onomatopoeia, the first words;

Teach the understanding of indirect case issues;








Continue working on non-verbal breathing;

Develop fine, articulatory motor skills;

Accumulation of passive vocabulary, accumulation of predicative vocabulary;

Develop logical thinking;

2. Educational: education of perseverance, diligence, respect for nature and love for

animals, feelings of empathy.

Equipment: doll, mirror, pictures with the image of a whale, cat, hedgehog, water, cotton wool, Lyapko applicator

finger, su-jok ball, bank, "Delfa" simulator, sheet with the image of a hedgehog, whale, cat, forest, house,

Speech therapist activity

Answers, actions of the child

Organizing time.

Look who came to visit us. This is Olya.

Let's say hello to her.

Hello Olya! Are you glad Olya?


Show how glad you are when Olya comes to you in

guests; how are you sad when she leaves? Come on we

be offended

say hello


will be glad when they offer her a treat.

Development of articulatory motor skills. Development

non-speech breathing.

Olya came to visit us, let's treat her.

Let's bake delicious pancakes

Pancakes are hot, let's blow on them

Let's take delicious jam for the pancakes.

Pour tea into a cup.

We blow hot tea on it.

Let's treat Olya with candy.

After eating, you need to brush your teeth



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ex. "Pancakes"

Blowing out tongue

ex. "jam"

ex. "cup"






development of tactile sensations.



I wonder who they are? Here are their photos (cat, whale, hedgehog)




interesting tasks. Here the hedgehog wants something for me

say, ah-ah, he wants to be played with.

Massage with Su-Jok balls

Hedgehog, hedgehog, cunning hedgehog,

you look like a ball.

There are needles on the back

very very sharp.

Although the hedgehog is small in height

showed us thorns

And the thorns too

look like a hedgehog

Accumulation of passive vocabulary. Stimulation

repetition of onomatopoeia. Development of the auditory

perception and attention.

device "Delfa"

ex. "Sweetie"

"Brush our teeth" while driving

tongue over the upper teeth and brush over





toys, identifying them by tactile



count yuch and th,

roll Su Jok between your palms

thumb massage




massage movements of the middle finger




massage movements of the little finger

roll Su-Jok between your palms.

invites us to visit. Let's go to?

Oh! While we were walking, our

whale! Let's call him: “Kit !!! Keith, where are you? "

come up with.

lives under water and does not hear very well.

special device (bank)

magic device, let's try with

his. ("Delphi")




all to their homes so that no one gets lost and

draw a path. Let's say goodbye to our

new friends.



w and in about t s,

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p about in t about r

onomatopoeia of animals.

Pronouncing "to the bank", we call quietly,

then louder.





Olya, hedgehog, whale, cat. On the other - a house


Lesson summary for children with severe speech impairments

(1-2 classes)


Komazenkova Anna Alexandrovna

Feb 2016

Lesson summary for children with severe speech impairments (1-2 grades)

Purpose: development of thinking in younger students.Tasks:1. Development of verbal and logical thinking.2. Development of creative thinking.3. Development of such mental operations as generalization and classification.4. Development of skills to work in a team of schoolchildren.5. Development of skills to comply with the rules of conduct in the classroom.

The universal educational actions formed within the framework of the lesson:1. Regulatory: the development of the ability to control their behavior;2. Communicative: the development of constructive interaction skills, teaching the rules of interaction in a group: speak in turn, do not interrupt, listen;3. Cognitive: the development of verbal-logical and creative thinking, mental operations.

Target group: these tasks and exercises can be used when conducting classes with children of primary school age (1-2 grades).

    Organizing time

1 Welcome

Hello, right hand - we stretch it forward,

Hello left hand - stretching it forward

Hello my friend-

we take one hand with a neighbor,

Hello my friend-

we take it with the other hand

Hello, hello friendly circle-

shake hands.

We stand hand in hand, together we are a big ribbon,

We can be small, we squat,

Can we be big, get up

But no one will be alone

    The main part of the lesson

    Game "Me and My Name" Children stand in a circle.

The psychologist throws the ball to the child, who, having caught the ball, calls his name. After all the children have named their names, one of the children throws the ball, trying to come up with variants of the name of the child to whom the ball was thrown (full name, diminutive).

    Game "Fruits - vegetables" Purpose: development of concentration and distribution of attention.

A poster depicting fruits and vegetables weighs on the board. Children "name fruits in a chain, but as soon as the psychologist points to the vegetable, the children clap their hands - once" (After completion, you can change the actions)

    Exercise "Word on the topic"

The psychologist names the topic (animals, birds, season, school supplies), and children as many words as possible to this topic.

    Analytical exercise.

In front of each child there are 4 identical squares (4: 4). The psychologist suggests finding as many ways as possible to divide the square into 4 parts. (The separator can be a thread, a pencil, a strip of paper, etc.)

    Exercise "Reverse".


The psychologist says the word, and the children say the opposite. (Cold - warm; dark - light; smart - stupid; sharp - dull; high - low; good - bad ; kind - evil; brave - timid, cowardly; sweet - sour ; beginning - end; thin - thick).It is important to pay attention to the ending. a) Support with pictures is possible; b) Showing opposite words.


The psychologist hangs out a set of cards on the blackboard and gives each child a card. Children take turns going to the board and make up pairs of opposites. (Appendix 1.)

    Exercise "Definition"

Purpose: orientation in space.The psychologist shows a picture on which an object is drawn, and then a second. The challenge is for the children to be able to come up with a word that is between these two words and which would serve as a “bridge between them. (For example, to the pictures "sparrow" and "tree" "on", "above", "behind", "under" - "A sparrow flew up a tree", "A sparrow hid behind a tree"). The psychologist moves the image of the sparrow. (Appendix 2.)

    The final part (reflection).

    Exercise "Sunbeam" (relaxation exercise).

The sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. He ran further over his face, gently stroke it with your palms: on the forehead, on the nose, on the mouth, not on the cheeks, on the chin. Stroke it gently so as not to scare. Lightly stroke your head, neck, arms, legs ... He climbed onto his tummy, stroke his tummy.

The sun bunny is not a mischievous person, he loves and caresses you. And you stroke him and make friends with him.


Let's join hands.

Let's remember what we did today, what we liked, and what we would like to repeat in the next lesson

Appendix 1.

Appendix 2.

The reason for this can be developmental pathologies during pregnancy or birth trauma, birth defects, malocclusion, head injuries. Also, the occurrence of violations is influenced by the transferred severe infectious diseases, problems with the formation of the child's psyche. Children have a tendency to imitate the adults around them, so if someone in the family has problems with speech, the child may have them.

A warm family environment is important for children with severe speech impairments to recover.

These violations should be identified as early as possible and measures should be taken to get rid of them. For this, the help of psychiatrists, speech therapists, and defectologists is involved.

In the case of severe speech disorders, education in a regular general education school will be difficult and ineffective. Children are very limited in communication, have a minimal vocabulary, and some do not speak at all. There are special kindergartens and schools for children with such defects.

Features of conducting training and development classes

Due to speech disorders, the child may have mental retardation, but this does not mean intellectual retardation. As a consequence of the impossibility of normal interaction with the teacher, problems arise with understanding the curriculum.

Such children are often withdrawn, unsure of themselves, a negative attitude towards reality, a tendency to nervous breakdowns, lethargy and apathy can develop.

In addition to exercising with teachers and doctors, the atmosphere in the family is very important for treatment. It is necessary to find close emotional contact with the child, support for the efforts and praise for the successes made. But there is no need to pamper and pity him, or, on the contrary, scold him for his peculiarity, reproach or set an example for others - this will completely kill his self-esteem.

Schoolchildren with severe speech impairments are an extremely heterogeneous category of students, in the most general terms, differentiated depending on the severity of speech impairments:

1) children with phonetic-phonemic or phonetic speech underdevelopment (dyslalia; mild severity of dysarthria, stuttering; rhinolalia), with general speech underdevelopmentIII - IV levels of speech development of various origins (for example, with minimal dysarthric disorders, rhinolalia, etc.), which have violations of all components of the language; students with reading and writing disorders;

2) students attendingI, II andIII levels of speech development (according to R.E. Levina), with alalia, aphasia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, stuttering, having reading and writing disorders and students who do not have a general underdevelopment of speech with a severe degree of stuttering.

To teach the second group of schoolchildren to overcome speech disorders, special pedagogical conditions are required, a special systematic targeted corrective action, which is achieved in special classes.

Teaching children of the first group involves the introduction of corrective measures that are clearly focused on meeting the special educational needs of students with TNR and requirements for the results of mastering the program of correctional work. The prerequisites for the implementation of the educational program for students with TNR are speech therapy support of students, coordinated work of a speech therapist teacher with a primary school teacher, taking into account the special educational needs of students.

The inclusion of children with severe speech impairments in educational institutions requires taking into account their multilevel training and the heterogeneity of their speech, communication and cognitive abilities at the time of admission to create special conditions.

The individualization of the learning process is achieved through a thorough study of the structure of the student's defect and is carried out both in specific lessons and classes with a propaedeutic focus, and in the course of studying general education subjects, acquiring special significance in mastering the subjects of the philological cycle.

The theory and practice of teaching and upbringing of children with speech disorders is based on general didactic principles: consciousness and activity, systematicity and consistency, visibility, accessibility, scientific character, strength, the connection between theory and practice, an individual and differentiated approach that educates the nature of teaching. For this category of children, special principles have also been determined (R.E. Levina, K.V. Komarov), the implementation of which makes it possible to build effective teaching.

1. Construction of language teaching based on the level of speech development, typical and individual characteristics of children's speech.

Typical features inherent in the speech of all children with TNR are: extreme limited language and speech means, difficulty in communication (up to communicative negativism). However, individual characteristics of speech are also manifested, expressed in the peculiarities of the development of the pronunciation side of speech, the volume and quality of the dictionary, the specificity of the manifestations of agrammatism, and differences in the existing communication experience.In a situation where children with severe speech impairments are included in education among normatively developing peers, both of these features require special attention. Thus, the expansion or narrowing of the lexical meaning of a word when used in speech, typical for children with severe speech impairments, requires work to create and implement a special system of exercises and tasks, select variable contexts that allow to structure and update the student's vocabulary. A differentiated and individual approach to students in the classroom is expressed in the creation and implementation of a special system of exercises, the choice of tasks and teaching methods, the specific selection of speech material, the provision of additional assistance to students, in controlling the manifestation of their speech characteristics, in the possible variability of requirements for the skills and abilities of children ...

2. Communication principle , which is based on the primary need to master the language as a means of communication and an instrument of cognitive activity, is realized through the selection of language material that is significant for providing various spheres of communication for children of this age, the active use of the method of modeling communicative situations during training, the purposeful formation of students' communicative skills. The leading role in teaching is assigned to speech practice, provoking independent active speech of students, creating situations that would encourage the child to speak, would provide students, firstly, with the desire to enter into communication, and secondly, the ability to navigate the situation and conditions of communication ...

Conditions favorable for this purpose are created in such classes that provide for verbal communication in the process of any joint activity. The easiest for children is speech that accompanies the performance of actions, and the most difficult is planning speech.

2. Interrelation in the implementation of the tasks of forming speech communication among students, correcting the speech of children and teaching them Russian as a subject.

Work on the correction of speech disorders is planned and carried out, firstly, in accordance with the structure of the students' speech defect, identified during the survey and, secondly, in connection with the study of educational material in subject lessons. Fundamentally important for the successful teaching of children with TNR is the coordination of the material studied in Russian lessons with the content of individual speech therapy lessons and speech development lessons. This coordination should be carried out in such a way that the propaedeutic orientation of individual and corrective classes is realized, which ensures the formation of speech activity and prerequisites for the assimilation of program material.

At the same time, in the classroom, one should take into account the need for a special organization of the educational activities of children, the urgent tasks of correctional work and the stage of their solution. So, in the lessons of the Russian language, careful dosage of language knowledge is necessary, their introduction at first in an elementary form, and assistance to children with TNR in the analysis of language material. For children, a very, very gradual increase in the proportion of independence in the creation of various statements is required; the use of a large number of training exercises. Particular attention should be paid to errors in the speech of children, realizing that their appearance is natural and logical. Drawing the attention of children to these mistakes, joint work on their correction allows students to form a conscious attitude to their own speech.

Knowledge of the program of correctional work allows the teacher not to "spray" on the numerous mistakes of children, not to "pull" them in vain, but purposefully form their ability to correctly formulate their thoughts. In this regard, from the teacher needs the ability to organize planned communication situations in which children exchange opinions on any issue, talk about their impressions, account for their actions, actions using the learned vocabulary and grammar.

3. Ontogenetic principle associated with the need to take into account the basic patterns of speech development in the norm, which is considered as a movement from understanding linguistic means to their active use, from situational speech to contextual, from oral to written.

Therefore, exercises for the perception of linguistic units always precede exercises for independent use, and precommunicative or linguistic exercises - communicative or speech exercises. At the same time, precommunicative exercises are aimed at memorizing linguistic units, methods of their construction and functioning, and communicative exercises are aimed at training in using them in the process of free communication. In other words, the former are called upon to form the ability to consciously use new units, and the latter - to automate skills.

4. Formation and correction of speech based on the establishment of the relationship between the phonetic, lexical and grammatical components of the language .

The teacher's understanding of the principle of the relationship between the various components of the language makes it possible to pay attention to the selection of selection and the location of language material in the lessons of the philological cycle, to facilitate the conditions for children to master the language system, to show them the relationship between sound, meaning, spelling of a word or grammatical form. The lack of formation of such connections can be expressed, for example, in a misunderstanding of the meaning of a word due to its incorrect pronunciation. This requires a special approach to organizing vocabulary work in the classroom.

5. Teaching a language based on the formation of language generalizations presupposes the priority solution of the tasks of ensuring the speech practice of children, their accumulation of speech experience, an increase in the number of speech exercises.The language material offered to students for theoretical comprehension should be well mastered by them at the level of practical application.

The conditions for the implementation of these principles depend on the individual differences of the students; features of the implementation of the learning process at school; skillful organization of educational material, flexibility in the use of teaching methods by teachers and the level of professional competence of teachers.

Teaching children with severe speech impairments in a general educational institution is carried out by the teacher of this institution with the support of specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, tutor, etc.) who provide advisory and methodological assistance and implement the correctional and developmental component of the educational process.

The combination of individual speech therapy work and the lesson form of organizing the educational process allows you to achieve the solution of the main tasks of a correctional and general educational nature.

The effectiveness of training will depend on the teacher's skillful use of various methods, techniques, means and forms of organizing the training and education of children with severe speech disorders. At the same time, general pedagogical methods should be used in combination with the use of special techniques and tools developed taking into account the specifics of the development of this category of schoolchildren (speech and language deficiency, limited life and communicative experience, features of cognitive and personal development).

Taking into account the peculiarities and patterns of the assimilation of language material by children with speech pathology, it is determinedcorrectional focus of Russian language lessons , the possibility of using various teaching methods and techniques for the purpose of corrective action, the relationship of Russian language lessons with speech development lessons and individual lessons is realized.

The system of speech therapy classes includes work on the sound side of speech, correction of individual deviations in writing and reading, filling in gaps in the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, working with text, etc.

Purposeful correctional work should be combined with the use of special teaching methods, which will ensure the normalization of speech activity and the successful mastering of the educational program by children with speech disorders.

For teaching children with speech underdevelopment, it takes a longer time and special techniques to get acquainted with new material and consolidate it. The use of terminology is especially difficult for students.

The effect of “terminological learning disability” is due to the fact that terminological vocabulary itself requires a high level of verbal generalization from the student, abstraction from objective reality.

In children with severe speech pathology, as we mentioned above, a pronounced insufficiency of generalization processes at the speech level is found. Therefore, the work on terminological vocabulary in the lessons of the Russian language should first of all include exercises aimed at developing the speech-thinking activity of children, the ability to abstract and generalize.

Close interaction of a teacher and a speech therapist is necessary to eliminate learning difficulties that arise in schoolchildren. A system of such interaction should be built, based on the synthesis of linguo-methodological and correctional approaches and providing the optimal way for a child with speech disorders to master the Russian language.

One of the key positions that make it possible to increase the effectiveness of the development of linguistic disciplines by a child isindividualization of training, which is achievedcreation of a special environment that makes it possible to make the most of the individual capabilities of children and "pull up" weak links, into act on the speech, language and other related problems of the child

In defectology in general and in speech therapy in particular, the individualization of teaching is one of the main really operating principles, since it is possible to build effective teaching of a child with developmental disorders only if you clearly understand the structure of this disorder, and influence all its typical and individual manifestations.

A detailed speech therapy examination allows not only to identify weaknesses in active oral speech or at the level of writing and reading, but also to reveal hidden, implicit difficulties in the formation of speech and basic mental functions for it (attention, memory, perception, etc.). As a result, a speech profile can be drawn up, which makes it possible to characterize the specifics of language acquisition by a child, to identify the leading strategy of this assimilation, and, as a consequence, to predict possible difficulties in teaching a language at school. Dynamic observation, on the other hand, allows one to anticipate possible difficulties at different stages of training. Such a speech profile can serve as a starting point for a teacher in determining teaching methods that take into account the characteristics of each child.

For example, this approach can be implemented in the process of teaching literacy.

Determining the child's readiness to master writing and reading, the speech therapist assesses the risk of writing and reading disorders. Such a forecast should be taken into account at the stage of literacy training and the optimal path of further education should be chosen.Propedeutics of possible difficultiesseems to be more functional than "mass" training and then correction. It is obvious that if in the pre-literary period the lack of formation or insufficiency of one or another basic operation that ensures the mastery of writing and reading is revealed, then it becomes necessary to jointly (by the teacher and the speech therapist) develop a program of individual assistance to the child.

The individualization of teaching is based on the search for methodological methods of teaching literacy that are optimal for a given child. The implementation of the key principle for correctional pedagogy seems to be effectivereliance on intact analyzerswhich can be seen ascreation of a polysensory basis for learning.

The basis of teaching children is the maximum involvement in the work of the main analyzers: visual, auditory, tactile, etc. New information is obtained immediately through several analyzer systems based on intact ones, which contributes to the formation of a more durable and complete skill. When phonemic perception is not formed, compensation occurs through the visual and motor analyzers, with optical-spatial difficulties, it relies on pronunciation, etc. It is possible to activate tactile sensations - writing with a finger on the palm (on the skin), using various materials (rough, smooth) for making letter samples, etc.

In addition to the difficulties of sensory perception, the lack of formation of metalinguistic activity, difficulties of language analysis, which are not necessarily a signal of any violations, but can be a manifestation of the specificity of the child's development (some lag in the pace of development, the predominance of strategies of holistic perception in connection with the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain). In this case, it seems expedient, for example, to introduce elements of global reading, to actively involve the methods of holistic perception of the read and written material, which “support” the main (analytical-synthetic) method of teaching literacy.

Children with speech disorders often show an insufficient level of development of verbal-logical thinking, abstraction operations. Attracting maximum clarity, active use of drawings, diagrams, symbols of other non-verbal signals contributes to a more effective, conscious and quick assimilation and memorization of the material.

Individualization of training can be carried out in the classroom through a system of special tasks (cards, additional handouts, etc.). At the same time, recommendations can be given to parents on creating a polysensory environment at home that surrounds the child in the process of learning to write and read.

Similar approaches can be used when learning spelling rules. The widespread use of various methods of presenting and studying material (quantizing rules, algorithmicization, schematization, illustration, verbalization, etc.) creates the basis that allows a child to assimilate the material in accordance with his own cognitive style, the specifics of his perception and analysis of linguistic material,

Reliance in the learning process on intact links and operations allows you to temporarily transfer the disturbed functions to another, lower and more accessible level of their implementation. The combination of auditory (listening), visual (illustrations, diagrams, linguistic visualization) and motor (writing process, speaking) efforts on the part of students in the perception of linguistic material contributes to a more durable assimilation of the introduced material. Speech therapy support in this case may consist in propaedeutics, diagnosis and correction of dysorphography in students.

An important component of personalization is identifying effective ways of working with text.

Teaching will be effective if we show the child a system of operations, by performing which you can build your own text or analyze (and then understand) someone else's. It is necessary to draw up detailed models for creating texts, that is, to "dismember" the activity into operations and to bring them "outside", to set a sequence, the implementation of which will lead to the desired result. In such models, the linguistic characteristics of texts of various types and genres must be taken into account, as well as the individual characteristics of the child (broken links in the mechanisms of generating and understanding the text) In other words, it is necessary to correlate the difficulties that students have with the language material presented to them in the classroom.

Operational execution of actions contributes todeveloping a way of action, the formation of a dynamic stereotype, which is also a prerequisite for the development of language skills for children with speech disorders.

In addition, the dismembered performance of actions makes it possible to more accurately identify the disturbed link in a series of operations, and also enables the studentbuild conscious self-control. This is especially important, since due to the impossibility of relying on the sense of language in teaching children with speech disorders, the importance of consciousness in this process increases sharply.

Note that when studying grammar, the named correctional approaches can also be implemented. A child with speech impairments should be "given" a certain way of action, show the algorithm, the path along which he will definitely get the desired result: determine the required spelling, recognize the part of speech, highlight part of the word, etc.

The assimilation of grammatical concepts and rules in the lessons of the Russian language is often hampered by the implicit, latent lack of formation of various components of the functional base of oral and written speech, inadequacy of control operations, and the inability to perform discrete, operational performance of actions. And here you can also use compensatory mechanisms, allowing to replace the broken operation. The main path in learninggrammars - from semantics to form. This concerns the formation of word-formation skills (from understanding the general meaning of related words to highlighting the root in them, from understanding the meaning of word-formation models to highlighting affixes), teaching grammatical analysis (special attention is paid to establishing the correct semantic connections of words in a sentence), etc.

The ways of organizing an individual approach in the classroom when teaching a student with TNR can be different. Let's name some of them.

1. The use of special individual cards and plates, allowing to translate the studied material on a visual basis

In a literacy lesson, use symbol cards to remember and delimit the spelling of mixed letters

In the lessons of the Russian language, to work with texts, use subject-graphic denotational schemes (1-2 grade, see V.K.Vorobyov)

“Once Kolya got sick and was lying in bed. They put the bed to the window. Suddenly, Kolya saw a red ball in the window. "

In grades 3-4, similar schemes may include thematic sentences and text keywords

Mitya's friends.

In winter, a moose cow with a calf spent the night in an aspen forest. The forest was white under the snow. The frost settled on the branches, on the back of a moose cow. Suddenly there was a rustle. The elk was on the alert. She saw a wolf among the trees.

And then the moose rushed into the forest. A pack of wolves chased them. A forest hut appeared ahead. The gatehouse gates were opened. - visual modeling,graphic representation of the subject content of tasks in mathematics lessons,subject content, the introduction of subject-specific methods of solving problems

2. Special organization of vocabulary work

Semantization of unfamiliar words or words whose meaning requires clarification is carried out before reading the text using interpretation techniques available to the student;

- llexical units are grouped for presentation to students not in the order they appear in the text, but in accordance with the method of semantization. This allows students to build an orientation framework and engage them in the process by activating their own knowledge and perceptions.

3. The use of various methods of modeling grammatical material. For example:

Schemes of prepositions with spatial meaning in order to form generalized ideas about the meanings of these prepositions in children. They might look like this:

Superscripts to indicate

verb - - lightning bolt icon, as a symbol of action

subject - - a circle in which at the first stages a face is depicted, i.e. we draw eyes, mouth, nose, and then the image is simplified due to the absence of these auxiliary pictorial means. In this case, it is recommended to start the analysis of a sentence always with highlighting the action and, accordingly, the words - the name of the action. And then determine who or what is performing this action.

4. The teacher must take into account that children with severe speech disorders have a lack of involuntary speech attention and memory. Therefore, it is inappropriate to expect that students will gradually be able to unconsciously memorize the contents of the numerous tables and tablets placed on the walls of the class. A greater effect can be achieved if the teacher constantly refers to the content of the memos and posters, each time making them aware of their content by children with TNR, and specially from lesson to lesson teach children the ability to work with reference material.

5. Correction of mistakes in the process of educational utterance should not prevent the child from formulating his thought, confusing him, creating psychological discomfort. The number of comments, their place (during the answer or after), the personality of the one who makes them (the teacher, one of the children, or the whole class monitors the quality of speech), are determined by the degree of speech underdevelopment, the child's ability to exercise self-control. The development of correct speech is also facilitated by the preliminary installation: "Speak correctly, beautifully, take your time, think about how best to tell about ... so that everyone understands you", etc., and the teacher's qualitative assessment of the answer in terms of its grammatical form ...

6. When conducting the current survey in the classroom and control activities, it is necessary to take into account the nature of speech disorders, in particular:

For stuttering children, it is advisable to increase the time for an oral answer, allow time to prepare an answer, replace an oral answer with a written one;

For children with writing and reading impairments, the time for completing the assignment can be increased, an audio recording of the assignment can be presented, if necessary, or the assignment can be read out to the child.

Using games and exercises for mathematics classes in children with TNR

“Without play, there is and cannot be full-fledged mental development. Play is a huge window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts flows into the child's spiritual world. The game is a spark that kindles the spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity. "
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Mathematics in the mental development of children is of great importance. Its study contributes to the development of memory, speech, imagination, emotions, forms perseverance, patience, and the creative potential of a person. Children begin to better plan their activities, express their thoughts more consistently and more accurately. But teaching math to preschool children will not be effective without the use of games.
It is noted that children are very active in perceiving tasks - jokes, various puzzles, logical exercises. They are looking with great desire for a course of solution that will lead them to any result. And then, when the task is also available to the child, he develops a positive emotional attitude towards it, which motivates him to mental activity. The child becomes interested in the final goal.
In my work, I used games aimed at ordinal and countdown. Children were offered a "tablet" where they needed to find a number and arrange cups with a number in order, in reverse order, or from a given number. Children not only reinforced the count to 10, but also reinforced the skills of orientation on the plane.
The greatest interest in children was aroused by such a game as "Mathematical puzzles". In this game, they not only fixed the score to 10, but also got an interesting picture as a result.

Great help in solving examples, getting to know the composition of the number, was provided by - number houses, which are always in the field of vision of children. They can refer to them, both during the lesson and in direct activity.
The favorite game of older children is Lego and construction set. Therefore, it was also used to form elementary mathematical representations, namely, for quantitative counting (correlation of number and quantity).

The same problem was solved by the game "Add needles to a hedgehog". The children correlated the number and the number. And with the help of manipulations with clothespins, they developed fine motor skills of the hands.
Game "Who is faster".The goal of this game is also to consolidate the quantitative score. Children with the help of cubes scored for themselves points and reflected on the stars. The winner was the one who fills it faster.

One of the biggest difficulties that arose in the classroom in mathematics is computational skills, solving examples for addition and subtraction. Therefore, a wide variety of materials were used to form them. Exercises such as "Help the caterpillar count the points on the back, and the hedgehog needles."
Particular attention was paid to understanding the concepts of "whole" and "part". Where children could practically reproduce the calculations and note what changed with the decision.

A very interesting and unusual task for children was solving examples using puzzles. And their main task was to consolidate computational skills.
Fixing the names of geometric shapes is an integral part of the program, and to make it more interesting, children used game "Find and hide the figure".

Such a game like "What is what?" not only helped to consolidate the names of geometric shapes, but also to note the size, color and find among the many shapes.

To develop the skills of spatial orientation, exercises "Repeat", "Remember and repeat". At first, the children started with a small field of 4 squares, and then it increased.

A similar problem was solved by game "Russell fish in aquariums". The children practiced orientation on a piece of paper, completing tasks such as - two fish live in the upper right corner, 5 fish live in the lower left corner, etc.

Much time was devoted to the development of fine motor skills of hands, especially when studying numbers, so that children learn its graphic appearance and location on the sheet. Exercises such as "Lay out the number from beans", "Sculpt from plasticine", "Circle along the contour" were used and the last task of the work was to teach how to navigate according to the scheme, lay out symbolic images of objects from sticks.

Used dienes blocks and Kuisener sticks. Gyenesh blocks are a universal didactic material that allows you to successfully implement the tasks of the cognitive development of children. Kuisener's sticks allow you to model numbers, properties, relationships. Dependencies between them using color and length.