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Essay by a kindergarten teacher “What does it mean to raise children? Meaning of the word educator Essay "What it means to be a kindergarten teacher."


Nurieva Zagira Sagdiakhmetovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MBOU SOSH village Nizhnie Lemezy
Locality: municipal district Iglinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Material name: report
Topic: "What does it mean to be a teacher?"
Date of publication: 13.01.2018
Section: preschool education


“The ability to educate is still an art, the same

art, how to play the violin or piano well, well


A. S. Makarenko.

Educator - this is the first, after mom, teacher who

meets children on their life path. Educators are people

who always remain children in their souls. Otherwise, the children will not accept, not

let them into their world. The most important thing in our profession is to love

children, love just like that, no way, give them your heart.

For me, my profession is the ability to constantly be in


you realize




wide open

towards the eyes of children; eyes eagerly catching my every word, my

look and gesture; eyes ready to contain the world. Looking into these

baby eyes you understand that they need you, that you are whole for them





your heart.

The personality of the educator plays a crucial role in education.

The effectiveness of education is achieved when the educator






pedagogy has become the main reason for the alienation of pupils from

educators. Only on the revival of simple human feelings

- love and mercy - the process of education should be built.

The famous Swiss educator Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, after


self-forgetfulness. "




human abilities in accordance with the laws of nature, i.e.

when "the heart wants to believe and love, and the mind wants to think." Manner











methods with new ones. A true master thinks all the time about


contributed to











in the in-law.



turns out

my own


in a sp and a tate,







master teacher

become only a talented person, a teacher from birth. Almost all

people are endowed by nature with the qualities of educators. A task

is to teach the pedagogical craft.

Relevance: a child is not just different from an adult







To the teacher



age a.

Family, kindergarten cooperation is one of the leading principles

education of the younger generation. In the absence of unity -

the entire educational process is violated. In modern times,

when children receive much more information from all kinds of

sources, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of all children, otherwise

complete misunderstanding, aggression, loss of interest in each

Problem: for proper management of personality development,






was based on the identification of psychological and age characteristics

Psychological age


are called


a certain




Insofar as

biological and spiritual development of a person is closely related

the corresponding



are coming




the greatest




life and development of a preschool child. Nowadays

grow up

understanding, this is one of the main tasks of the educator and all teachers,

who work with children.

Methods, forms, techniques for working with children.

The main








The main path is to study or obtain information about the family




the teacher must find out his psychological characteristics,


sort out





educator is that he begins to teach, give advice, and

does not help to find out the reason. Inability to understand age

peculiarities of children, leads to annoying lectures, moralizing,

punishments that alienate the educator from the pupils, parents

from a child and a complete misunderstanding of each other.

Advice for a novice educator:

The conversation with the parents should be thought out, the goal defined,

the teacher must know the psychological and age characteristics of children

given age. You cannot start a conversation with parents with complaints and






gradually move on to the issue that interests you and together

work out

a certain




material of interest to the teacher. So you can learn about many

important things that the caregiver should know about the child. The most

the main thing is that this information does not go beyond certain limits.

Through correctly written parenting questionnaires, you

can get a lot of information to work with. Given the age

guys, each educator should develop individual

work plans with certain groups of children or separately with



carefully thought out for categories of children of different ages, not


personality (i.e. the child himself or his family)

Children who cross the threshold of kindergarten often change.



relationships with other guys.

Therefore, at this time it is important to have a lot of conversations with children,

games, game moments. During conversations, games, a close




notice only the good in the child, he must tactfully, given




obedient, executive, etc.

Do not shout and do not demand that the child do as you

if you want, maybe he looks at many things with his own eyes, give

to him to speak.

Read again the age characteristics of those children with

you work and are not part of a group with the same


Talk to your worried child alone

on one, let him speak.

Help yourself to figure out what you want and gradually,

strive for this goal step by step.

When approaching a child care center, remember that all children are personalities,

they must be loved and understood.

Municipal government preschool educational institution

Kvtok kindergarten "Teremok"

“What does it mean to be

An educator? "


Prepared by the teacher

II qualification category

Degtyareva L.V.

R. p. Ticket

How much affection and care is needed

Help everyone and understand everyone.

The work is grateful and hard -

Replace mom every day.

Every person on the threshold of life is faced with the question of choosing a profession. There is such a wonderful and very important, in my opinion, profession of an educator. The teacher is the central figure in the kindergarten. She is in full view of children and parents. His work is one of the most important and difficult, because the educator must know the nature of the child, how he lives, what makes him happy, how his peers treat him. He must speak beautifully and correctly, be an interesting and correct interlocutor. The teacher needs to teach children to love themselves and everyone around them, to help overcome all fears and anxieties. Of course, all of the above is impossible without communication. Without communication, a person is lonely. The ability to communicate is the main condition for the development of a child, the most important factor in the formation of personality, one of the main types of human activity, aimed at knowing and evaluating oneself through the mediation of other people. Ability to share toys, give in, forgive; sow good, mercy, love for all living things. An educator is unthinkable without love for children. M. Gorky also said that "children should be raised by people who by their nature gravitate towards this business, which requires great love for children and great patience."

Many people imagine the work of a teacher only as a game with children, a fun pastime. This is not true! The work of an educator is painstaking and everyday work. He is the first to open the door to this huge, endless world, full of interesting discoveries, mysteries and joys of knowledge.

From school I wanted to become a teacher, but the circumstances of my life turned out to be such that fate brought me to kindergarten, and I became an educator and I do not regret it at all. I like to observe the behavior of children, how differently they treat each other, animals, toys.

While working, I realized that I had to be the same child and crawl, jump, draw with them, be a dad and mom. All children with very different characters, therefore, one cannot do without an individual approach, someone needs to be fondled and pitied, and it will not hurt someone to scold, because the teacher is the second mother, and she must have a key to each child.

An educator is a sage to whom children go with any question, and I must answer: why are bears white, why people do not fly, how does snow form. How many questions at once! Where can I get the answer? A kindergarten teacher sometimes needs to know no less than a teacher at school.

In my opinion, this is a very interesting profession: children love you and expect something new from you, and you live their life and enjoy their successes with them.

Not every person, having received the profession of an educator, can work for them. You need to love your job so that you can go to it with a good mood and a desire to bring new and certainly positive things to your children.

For me, my profession is an opportunity to constantly be in the world of childhood, in the world of fairy tales and fantasy. You especially realize the importance of the profession of an educator when you see the eyes of children wide open to meet; eyes eagerly catching my every word, my look and gesture; eyes ready to contain the world. Looking into these children's eyes, I understand that they need me, that I am the whole universe for them, that it is I who plant the sprouts of future characters, support them with my love, give the warmth of my heart.

I never cease to be amazed at how different they are, unpredictable, interesting, funny, surprisingly smart, able to set a task for me with their reasoning, inferences, and actions.

I am proud of my profession, proud of the fact that my former pupils, when they meet me, smile at me with their special smile, by which I immediately recognize them, greet them, share their news and achievements.

So what is a kindergarten teacher? Of course, man! The person who brings up children loves them, and therefore they are happy. Kindness and mercy should be inherent in any person, and even more so in an educator, since his authority is formed from his attitude to business and profession in general.

KD Ushinsky wrote: "If you successfully choose work and put your soul into it, then happiness itself will find you." And a happy educator is immediately visible - he lives among children, understands their needs, establishes contacts with their parents, treats everything that surrounds him thoughtfully, and endures the hardships of a hectic pedagogical life. The work of an educator can be difficult, difficult, sometimes taking away everything, both physical and moral strength, but you cannot call it routine, uninteresting.

For me, an educator is not a profession, not a social position, not a hobby, not a job ... For me, this is life! I believe that what was inherent in childhood remains for life. Therefore, we must remember the words of VA Sukhomlinsky: "... to become a real educator of children, you must give them your heart."

Outside the window is night ... Dark silhouettes of trees peer into my window, the snow is quietly falling behind the glass, the light of the lamp illuminates the table and white sheets of paper on it. And now, like many years ago, at school, I am writing an essay ... "What does it mean to be a kindergarten teacher? .." This is both simple and difficult at the same time.

Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a teacher. After leaving school, by the will of fate, being far from the world of childhood, she believed in her dream. Time passed, and I came to work in kindergarten. Frankly, it was scary, and difficult, and hard. I often asked myself questions: “Will I, as a person, become an example for my children? Do I have enough experience, knowledge, love to educate them as a person? "
Having crossed the threshold of the kindergarten for the first time, I saw curious, sparkling eyes, felt soft, warm palms, felt the children’s keen interest in new discoveries and realized that I had found my place, my calling.

I am an Educator, which means that I have no days off, I have no right to be in a bad mood. And it is so important to find the key to the heart of every baby, to hug, to say a warm word. To be for them that sun that gives them warmth. There is no greater happiness than feeling that children are constantly needed.

And now I have years of work behind me, not even work, but the state of constant creative search, involvement in the development of the personality of my little pupils.

Educator is an amazing profession! Working with children makes it possible for a person to show all the best that is in him, all his abilities. Someone wants to be a singer - but the voice is not the same, dreams of being an actor, but hesitates, thinks about the fame of the artist, but the abilities are not the same…. And in kindergarten, the teacher can realize all his desires - and sing, and dance, and draw, and be an artist. What folk artist can boast of two roles in 2 hours ?! And the teacher can be Baba Yaga at one matinee, and Snow White at the other! I like to give a fairy tale to my children every day, so that they would be interested in this fairy tale. As a creative person, I can easily transform from a teacher into a Fairy and even into Santa Claus, I can become a captain of a ship, go on an exciting journey with the guys, and I always find the most grateful spectators, the most independent judges - in the face of children. But the most important thing in my work is boundless, inseparable love for children, otherwise no matter how professional you are, you will not succeed.

More and more often I ask myself the question: "What should be a modern educator to meet the high requirements of the creator of the human personality?"

William Ellery Channing wrote that raising a child requires more penetrating thinking, deeper wisdom than governing a state. Reflecting on this issue, I have identified for myself several areas that I consider very important and necessary in my pedagogical work. So…

An educator is not a profession, but a way of life, because at home I continue to think about my pupils, about the kindergarten. Even when “my children” leave the walls of the preschool institution, I don’t forget them, I invisibly follow and observe their life, their success, and I rejoice and grieve with them.

To be an educator means to motherly surround children with care, tenderness, affection. This is a state of mind! I am very happy when children come to kindergarten in the morning with the words: “Why were you not there yesterday? I miss you! ”, I am glad that parents give their children away with a smile, which means they trust me, I understand that mothers and fathers give us the most precious treasure - their children, their joy, their flowers of life. Indeed, one looks like a humble cornflower, another like a prickly cactus, the third like a tender forget-me-not. They are all so different! And my task is to help open my beautiful petals, surprise the world with my splendor and prevent the flowers from turning into cold soulless pieces of ice.

The profession of an educator is unthinkable without love for children. They come to kindergarten so defenseless, lost and scared, because for the first time they are experiencing separation from their most beloved person - their mother. And how important my love for them is during this period. How important it is to gain their trust! Yes! It is trust! Feelings like friendship and love will arise later. And now the main thing is for these kids to understand: I will always regret, I will become a reliable friend, I will love the way I am. With a kind smile, with pleasant words, my painstaking work begins every day. I understand that love alone is not enough. It is necessary to give the baby our whole huge world and teach him to live in it, see its beauty and diversity, teach him to be friends, to dream, to create. But you never know what! This requires knowledge of pedagogy, child psychology, age characteristics. I try to proceed, first of all, from the interests of the child, and when a dialogue arises between me and the children, I understand that together we have risen to the first step.

Who is he - a modern educator? In my opinion, it is, first of all, a professional, ready for change, mobile, capable of non-standard situations, responsible and independent in making decisions. It is these characteristics that appeal to me, I believe that acquiring them is a fundamental goal for every teacher working with children. In my work, I strive to obtain and realize professional and personal qualities. And the most important methodological technique that I use in my work is a personal example. The desire to make the life of children in kindergarten more meaningful and interesting is my main incentive. And in order for children to have a desire for knowledge, the educator himself must be interesting. He must be erudite, active, inquisitive, creative, be a kind of artist, master of words, gestures, facial expressions.

Time does not stand still, and I, as a teacher, cannot work in the "old fashioned way." New innovative technologies are entering our lives. I try to keep up and put into practice all possible and interesting innovations. I believe that the Federal State Educational Standard was adopted in a timely manner, where educational tasks are solved in an integrated manner, within the framework of various types of children's activities, and this is great.

I understand that, unlike other educational standards, the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education is not the basis for assessing compliance with the established requirements for training students. The standard of preschool childhood is, in fact, the definition of the rules of the game in which the child should be doomed to success. The rules for the development of the child, not his teaching. For the first time in history, preschool childhood became the initial level of education - this has never happened.

As a modern educator, I make preschool childhood diverse. This has become the norm for me. I give children the opportunity to realize their individuality. At the same time, everyone will not walk in line, not in step, but in his own step. It is simply impossible in another way. There are many opinions on the assessment of the Federal State Educational Standard, but for me as an educator, the main criterion is the positive attitude of the children and the satisfaction of the parents. If a child is well fed and healthy, if he goes to kindergarten with pleasure, if there is an organized activity that attracts him, and every day he emotionally and positively tells his parents about something new, then this is the highest mark of a professional educator.

I will work in the forge, but not where the iron and hammer are,

I will take tender, bright youth as my ally.

The objects of my romance in the sun gently squint,

They wear bows on the top, walk in pairs down the street.

They, defenseless, small, I will lead into a bright life

And many will envy the kindergarten teacher!

A kindergarten teacher is the first stranger that a child encounters in early childhood and on whom the development of a child's character and the formation of positive qualities largely depend. It is the kindergarten teachers who shape the self-awareness of the country's future civil society. The value of the specialists of this profession cannot be overestimated, because they donate sincere love and maternal care to their pupils during their stay in the nursery. The labor and efforts that the preschool educator puts into children are invaluable.

Views of the caregiver

● When organizing activities, special attention is paid to creating a safe environment that should not harm the health of children, both physical and psychological.

● Organization of children's cognitive activity is also given an important place in the work of an educator. This includes not only specially organized activities, but also the free activity of kids.

● An educator is a person who knows how to develop an individual development path for each child based on the assessment of his current knowledge and skills.

● To work as a child educator, you must be able to develop correctional development plans for children with developmental disabilities.

The listed requirements are the most important, but this is not the whole list of rules that a child teacher must adhere to in his work.

Obtaining the profession of a preschool teacher

To become an educator, you need to undergo special training. People of this specialty are trained in universities, where there is a faculty.In this direction, you can also get a bachelor's degree.

After graduation, in the event that you go to work in your specialty, you will have a small salary. Over time, it will slightly increase depending on the length of service and work experience, as well as your category. Experts with work experience are often invited to private preschool institutions, where salaries are significantly higher compared to public kindergartens.

Caregiver's workplace

Places are an actual form of labor protection for a kindergarten teacher. It is carried out to identify adverse factors and eliminate them. These issues can only be resolved with a careful analysis of the work environment. During such events, attention is drawn to the compliance of the workplace with hygiene standards. The degree of injury risk at the workplace and the availability of collective protective equipment are especially carefully analyzed.

Harmful factors at the teacher's workplace

The harmful factors in kindergarten can be biological and physical. Bacteria and microorganisms are distinguished among biological ones. The physical includes the microclimate, illumination, humidity, and so on.

If several harmful factors are found at the teacher's workplace, the group is quarantined. This is necessary to eliminate all problems and create an optimal environment for the development and training of preschoolers, as well as to create optimal conditions for the work of a child educator. In addition to the above, there is also a chemical factor. It includes various mixtures and chemicals. Due to the fact that preschool institutions carefully monitor the order in each group, this factor is extremely rare.

Karelina Albina Anatolyevna
MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 1 of Kirensk"
Pedagogical work experience - 21 years
I qualification category

Why do we come to this world? This question, probably, makes many of us think ... How to find your own, that unique place in life and understand whether you made the right choice? What influenced this choice? The answer to this seemingly simple question always remains a mystery. Or maybe it's fate? Each of us does this differently ...

My path to the profession of an educator turned out to be a very long one. Perhaps I simply did not realize that this is exactly what I need ...

Still, as a schoolgirl, I liked to come to kindergarten to children - to conduct various contests and just play with them. The older I got, the more I was drawn to children - after kindergarten I started going to elementary school children, where I also tried to find a common language with them. So I became a counselor. I spent a lot of time with the children - we studied together, walked, prepared various holidays, went hiking ...

And I also grew up in a house where there were many children of different ages. I have always been with the kids - the adults trusted me to take a walk with their children, and with the older ones I arranged various concerts for children and their parents. Having made a homemade screen and painted heroes, we showed entire performances based on our favorite Soviet cartoons.

And I did not even suspect then that the profession of an educator would become the only one for me ...

Kindergarten is a wonderland
Where children's laughter is heard to heaven!
Kindergarten is a holiday for the soul
When you see how good your kids are!
Kindergarten is the joy of the day
When you know that children are waiting for you!
Kindergarten is our second home,
In which we live every day.
Kindergarten - I repeat again,
To be an educator is my destiny!

So what does it mean to be a kindergarten teacher? As it turned out, this is a very difficult and difficult job, it is a constant search for something new, this is a creative approach, these are new discoveries. And in order to be needed and useful to children, you need to constantly improve yourself, you need a desire to grow in the profession, as a teacher who, over time, with the acquisition of experience, only becomes wiser. Now, in connection with the implementation and implementation of FGT in preschool institutions, teachers are provided with a greater volume for the development of creative and project opportunities, for self-development. And only with a very strong desire can you reach the highest heights.

To be an educator means to have patience, compassion, a desire to see children - “their children”. After all, in fact, these are children who are not relatives, but about whom you start talking - "my children", you rejoice at the achievements of each child, albeit small, but his personal victories.

The educator must be able to do everything - play, draw, glue, tinker, sing, dance and so on ... The more the educator knows and can do himself, the easier, easier and more interesting it will be for him to communicate with children.

And the educator must also be able to work with parents, the closer contact with parents is, the better it is to work with children, feeling the support of the parents. It is unbearable to hear when parents in the locker room begin to humiliate their children, begin to compare them with others, do not allow children to express themselves, and simply do not understand them ... It is very pleasant when parents respond to the teacher's requests, listen to his recommendations, understand the importance of sharing raising children. After all, only through joint efforts can a person be educated who will respect elders, love their parents and will not offend animals.

But the main thing is that the educator must be able to love children, moreover, all his children, despite the fact that they are all different - each with its own character and quirks, and evoke different feelings. You need to learn to treat all your pupils objectively, because behind each character there is a personality that needs to be helped to develop.

To be an educator means to surround more than twenty kids with care, tenderness, affection and attention at once, and in return receive a storm of emotions and a new charge of positive. Next to children - you constantly forget about your age, it seems that you just came to work - very young, cheerful and energetic. And it will always be so ...

You see the smiles of children and the happy faces of their parents. And I want to believe that by giving a part of myself, investing a part of my soul and my heart in every child, I make this world kinder and better ...