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Statuses about how I hate this world. Statuses about hatred for a guy


Every woman is a mystery ... offended, you’ll guess what the hell ...

To rush a woman is the same as trying to speed up the loading of a computer. The program still has to conduct many actions hidden from your understanding.

Women know how to convince in the sincerity of their lies not only men, but also themselves, which gives their insidiousness a special power ...

When a smart woman is showered with flattery, she becomes as stupid as everyone.

The path to the man’s heart lies through the stomach, because all the women are ulcers.

Looking for a woman? ... better look for the money, the woman herself will find you.

If the girl did not agree to sleep with you on the first date, then she has views on you. If she didn’t agree on the second too, it means big views. If you didn’t agree on the third one, forget everything that was said before.

A woman is like a shadow: when you follow her, she runs away, you run away from her - she follows you.

If a woman does not look at you, this does not mean that she does not see you.

If a guy is looking for a girl with legs from her ears, he should be prepared for the fact that she may have hands out of her ass and think she will be boobs.

The main thing for a woman is the Figure ... for whom she is getting married!

Despite the fact that for several million years a woman has been living next to a man, there is still a lot of mysterious and incomprehensible in her behavior and lifestyle.

There are girls with a twist, but there are with prip @@ onom ...

The woman’s phrase: “I don’t want to talk to you,” does not mean that she will not speak. It only means that she will not listen to you.

Before you call a woman a “bunny”, think: do you have enough cabbage? And will not let the carrots fail.

British scientists have found that ugly women destroy the male liver.

In every woman there is a mystery, with the help of which she can spoil a man’s brains, soul and life itself.

A woman is pleased when she is compared to a cat. Tell a woman that, and she will immediately present herself as an independent, elegant and free predator. But not at all a primitive, hairy, hysterical pissing in the corners.

Iron logic men for women scrap metal.

Are you afraid to approach her? Get drunk and crawl ...

A woman never knows what she wants, but will not calm down until this is achieved.

A simple and glamorous girl, it's like a simple cell phone and smartphone. Ponte and bells and whistles a lot, but they have one main function.

Women's logic is reflected in the male psyche !!

If a girl says: "the main thing is not a gift, the main attention is" I assure you ... THE MAIN GIFT

When women have seven Fridays in a week, men have not a single day off ...

If a woman says that she hates you, it means she loves, but you are a goat!

Men, remember! Accusing a woman of what she did not commit, you are giving her a grand idea!

  • To hate is not to forget ... hatred will end as soon as feelings pass ...
  • This is what I understand: hate! When you hate this, you don’t need any love!
  • i hate him for playing with me ... and for myself, for playing along ...
  • because of the contact, he quarreled with the girl .... to get insane ......... I hate him
  • First tear. She's like a shower. Why did he do this? First “sorry” and promise. He's perfect! First disappointment. It is like a blow. Yes? First quarrel. I hate him! The first pain is unbearable. He is so close and far
  • I can’t live without him, but I am silent; I curse him, but I want to; I hate him but I love him, but I love ...
  • Love, friendship and respect are not so connected as common hatred of something.
  • i hate him .. burst into my life. and left a piece of himself. how to live now ..
  • "smile" ... smile ... such a strange thing ... whatever is hidden behind it .. hatred, indifference, sadness, love, tears ... and only the people dearest to you are ready to give it to you always, just like that , with no reason..
  • The army brings up three main qualities in a man: hatred of work, brutal appetite and good sleep! \u003d)
  • It will not be soon, and I hate it. I hate any detail related to it. But I myself am also part of the past in which he is. The idea of \u200b\u200bsuicide becomes almost ordinary and banal, because I am every
  • No, I don’t hate him .. hatred is a feeling, but I don’t want to feel anything for him .. (c)
  • Over time, I got to my feet. But she has already become a different person. I missed, miss my past, lit by the spotlights, but at the same time I hate it ...
  • i hate him only because ... he really managed to touch my heart ...
  • (Here you write, I hate him, why .. this once again proves that you love him very much)
  • i look at the phone and hate it because you do not pick up the phone, and I absolutely can not do this NIFIGA! b * i ..
  • ¦ I can’t live without him, but I am silent ... I curse him but I want ... I hate him, but I love ... But I love ... ¦
  • - All the fuck, tired, I do not want to run anymore, everything went to hell, and he and his principles are stupid, I hate him, fuck like that? Enrages everything ... - Do you love him? - Very With)
  • And everyone loves my boy - everyone loves him, Everyone dreams of trying his inaccessible lips. And I hate him with all my heart for this: For [leaving] me some hot summer ...
  • hate him. I hate myself. tears. wild weeping. ugly and brunette are not compatible. I am ideal, and you are shit. fool and beautiful.
  • You once told me that I could never forget you and I will love you ... you know something you were right ... I can’t forget you, but instead of love, I only hate you ...

The main thing is to stop in time. Love needs to be built. Hatred as a flame in a coniferous forest at the height of summer. One spark is enough and everything that was expensive burns down.

Envy is hatred of the person within you. This is a special kind of murder. The murders of love, friendship, everything that inspires life.

In the case of betrayal, we most hate the closest. Those to whom we gave everything, in which we invested ourselves, which we trusted completely.

Love is built by actions, attitude, and this is not in one day. But it’s enough to take the wrong step to incite hatred that will destroy everything.

Best status:
  A wise person will reach out and learn from those who surpass him in something. The fool prefers to cook in his own envy and hatred.

Each person is characterized by hatred and love. The question is what is more important for you. Learning to love, to bring positive to the life of others. Or you yourself are important, then everyone who is stronger and better will annoy you.

The hater will always have the support of the same evil, offended by fate dwarfs. And only love is a noble choice of the strong.

If you are the best, get ready, they will hate you.

From love to hate is only a step, but it’s also back !!!

Your one step, gave birth to a feeling of hatred in me ...

I am evil, and my memory is bad, and I’m not writing anything down. I can take revenge, forget. And revenge again.

Hatred does not bring people anything but reciprocal hatred.

That heart will not learn to love, which is tired to HATE

It is enough for one person to hate another, and hatred, passing from neighbor to neighbor, infects all of humanity.

I see hatred ... in the reflection of mirrors. Stay, hatred !!! I didn’t look for her believe me ...

Ah, how painful hatred is without reciprocity!

Hatred is like a cancerous tumor. Once arising locally, it spreads throughout the body ...

Where are you? When I feel bad I don’t see you ... You hated me, I hate you ... I am taller than you, just forget about me, believe me, bitch let me die for you ...

And all neither suffering, nor love, not hate ... Eternal emptiness ... You are not ...

From hate to love, as close as from love to hate.

Nothing protects your teeth for 24 hours like a normal attitude towards me!

Hatred is like love, but sometimes stronger ...

Do not be offended by everyone who is not nice to me, that sometimes I look like a wolf ... I loved everyone for too long ... Thank you ... Weaned the bastards!

Hate is like hepatitis C, which doctors call a “gentle killer” ...

Hatred is heavy baggage. Life is too short to spend it on evil. It’s not worth it.

Hate cannot be drowned out by hatred. Only love can defeat her; such is ancient wisdom.

I hate you as much as I loved when we were together.

Each looks at the other eagerly for flaws. YOU hate and despise each other ... and this mutual hatred is the only thing that binds you!

Sometimes people put more hatred in the phrase “all the best” than in “went to x **”!

Your hatred gives me unreal pleasure ...

Around one hatred and malice. Why is that?

You are in your little world, Through the vanity, in the everyday life of care, Not knowing the truth of all mine, Put your opinion in the fuck ...

Everything intertwined in their lives - love and hate, passion and football ...

My emotions are so simple that you can show them with just one finger ...

From love to hatred is only a step, but you can go back too !!!

Hi, I’m doing things * as always, I’m not doing anything, my mood is average ... the weather is disgusting, still have questions?

Hatred is a feeling. like love. like a passion. And it has its right to life.

Only hatred for turning off hot water warms in an ice soul ...

Hatred is a dish served cold.

Too much hate inside me ... Uhhh ...

One can get used to hatred, one cannot get used to love.

I want to kiss you like the first time without pain, resentment, hatred, just because I wanted to ... you just remember.

You’re a good guy on the one hand, but fuck you on the other hand ...

Darkness cannot dispel darkness - only light can. Hatred cannot destroy hatred - only love can.

Love inspires, hatred gives strength, and friendship - both!

In a man, love takes exactly as much space as hate leaves, just like in a glass of wine, where there is only enough room for water as much as wine is drunk. And if hatred lies deeply - finely lie love ...

You are my life ... well, I have a finished life ...

Hatred and love. How can you feel them together?

It is enough for one person to hate another, and hatred, passing from neighbor to neighbor, infects all of humanity. - (Jean Paul Sartre)

I don’t want to be your next boredom, it’s better that you hate me. In the ranking of all emotions, hatred is after lust and before a desire to take revenge.

When we do not know whom to hate, self-hatred appears in us.

Love and hatred. So different. And so close.

There are people who hate me ... let them hate me. There are people who love me ... let them love me. And there are people who hate me, and pretend that they love ... These are the ones I hate.

Love is when they look at you through pink glasses, hatred when they look at you in the optical sight.

Fear of access opens to the dark side. Fear gives rise to anger, anger gives rise to hatred, hatred is the key to suffering.

Everything is too simple for love, Everything is too complicated for hate ...

Hatred is love that has turned its back.

now no one is to blame for the fact that from love to hate is one step ... I don’t love you and don’t hate .. so now I just don’t care.

Hate is born of love. And hatred encroaches on that love from which it was once born.

There for good - good, and blood - for blood, And hatred is immeasurable, like love ...

With one phrase you aroused such an insult to pain and hatred of you ... well done, put an end to it.

I remember how you despised those scum who break girls' lives. But I still can’t believe that you have become one of them!

Truly magnanimous people are always ready to show compassion if the misfortune of their enemy exceeds their hatred.

If I said that I loved, then I loved. If I said that I forgave - it means I was not offended. Hate simply did not have the strength and place in my soul, but I did not give up.

When you love, the whole world belongs to you. When you hate, you don’t even belong to yourself, but belong to hatred alone.

Sometimes from hate to love, just a few bottles of alcohol :).

Look at my hands, the words are written there, “so when will you die, bitch?” I love, love you ”...

Those we offended, we usually hate.

The main enemy of love is indifference, not hatred.

Some individuals have a direct talent to spoil the mood. Well nitsche. The earth is square - meet around the corner.

Sometimes it’s good to love is good to hate, and righteous to hate is love.

Everyone once sees his mistakes, but always hates others for them.

I want to somehow meet you, come up, smile and quietly, gently whisper softly in my ear: "I despise you, scum ..."

We hate those we love because they can cause us the most suffering. Lin Sterling

Unlike love, hatred is always mutual ...

Where the weak hates, the strong destroys.

Love does not have hatred, it is a game of love in which there are no winners, and after playing enough, there is indifference or hatred towards the one who stopped this game.

Hatred - coward's revenge for fear experienced.

Hatred, like a neglected cancerous tumor, corrodes the human personality and takes away all life forces. - Martin Luther King

Hatred is blind, anger is reckless, and whoever revels in hypocrisy runs the risk of drinking a bitter cup.

I don’t think they hate me. Rather, they are just afraid. People hate what scares them.

Hatred is an acid that corrodes the soul; all the same - whether you hate yourself or hate another.

Your hatred is definitely flattering me ...

People on Earth should be friends ... I don’t think that you can make all people love each other, but I would like to eliminate the hatred between people.

... Sometimes it’s good to love is good to hate, and righteous to hate is love. (Erasmus of Rotterdam)

Sadness in the eyes, pain in the soul, hatred in the heart !!!

Hatred is strong, it burns you from the inside and its taste is so sweet.

Hatred is a funny old word, and it is you who should use it as carefully as possible.

“We hate those we love because they can cause us the most suffering. Lin Sterling ”

If your girlfriend has stopped fucking your brains, then someone is fucking your girlfriend!

Worst of all, when love does not even turn into hatred, but in an acute desire to take revenge.

Life is too short to spend time hating. Better immediately proceed to revenge.

I used to think that you can live if you love someone, but now I understand that you can live if you hate

Hatred is a feeling that naturally arises in relation to someone who surpasses you in something.

Darkness cannot dispel darkness - only light can. Hatred cannot destroy hatred - only love can. - Martin King

It is easy to be nice to those you love, but to be nice to those you hate is a science.

The disadvantage of many people is that they are not equipped with the “mark as spam” button.

The love of a woman should be more afraid than the hate of a man.

Hatred is the highest degree of inhumanity, transformed into passion.

Things are excellent, my mood is just super, what I'm doing - I'm in contact. If there are still questions, we write in a personal preliminary digging out a grave for ourselves ...

Fame comes when you begin to hate ...