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Predictions of psychics for Valery Meladze. Natalia Vorotnikova: “Meladze will regret that he left the family


World famous figure skater Irina Slutskaya is the owner of many sports achievements. On her account there are several gold and silver medals, as well as the title of world champion. In addition to sporting activities, Irina has repeatedly participated in the filming of various television shows as a presenter ("Ice Age"). The biography and personal life of Irina Slutskaya is filled with bright victories and small defeats, but for her the family always remains in the first place and her main achievement is her husband and children (see the article for the family photo).


Ira was born on February 9, 1979 in Moscow. Parents were ordinary people: father is a teacher at the automobile academy, mother is an engineer at a car factory. The girl was a very active and artistic child. That is why her parents decided to record it in several sports sections: dance and figure skating. Already at 4 years old she freely skated. After some time, Irina was noticed by Zhanna Gromova, who later became not only her coach, but also an excellent mentor in her professional activities. In Ira, many were able to consider such strong character traits as: incredible perseverance and self-confidence, patience and hard work.

Irina Slutskaya in childhood with parents

First achievements

But, despite further successes, the girl had to work on plastic and posture for a long time. Years of hard training ultimately yielded the desired result: on the ice, she began to shine with femininity and demonstrated incredibly complex spins and jumps.

She won the first victory at the age of 13 while participating in the world championship among juniors.

It is worth noting that, with all the employment, Irina was able to study well until the 6th grade, then her academic performance decreased slightly. It is also important to remember that for a while Slutskaya managed to attend a music school and a ballet studio. After grade 10, she entered the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture.

Skater with her coach

In 1996, she was awarded the European Champion title, and then she took 3rd place at the World Figure Skating Championships. At this moment, the girl realized that the requirements for her regime were significantly tightened. She will need to adhere to a strict diet and daily routine: an early rise, two daily workouts. In addition, she could only dream of free time. But Ira was not going to give up.

The further career of the skater grew at an unimaginable speed. Irina repeatedly won prizes and many times became the strongest figure skater in Europe and the world. For example, at the Olympics in Japan (1998), she took 5th place, and a year later she competed for the world title and earned a silver medal.

In 2000, Slutskaya won a difficult fight at the European and Russian championships. After 2 years, she took part in the World Cup and won a gold medal. Despite the serious condition and vascular disease, Slutskaya was able to recover and win the highest award in 2005 at the World Cup, and a year later to win a competition in Europe.

Irina Slutskaya on ice

After Irina took 3rd place at the Olympics in Turin, she decided to end her sports career: “I am completely confident in my decision. I will no longer take part in competitive tournaments. In the near future I will become the leading one of the entertainment programs in our country. Now I spend all my free time in a television studio. This work inspires me a lot. In addition, this situation has become so dear to me that I go to Ostankino, as to my home. ”

Sportswoman with another gold medal

A new stage in a career

Saying goodbye to her sporting activities, Irina easily found herself a new hobby. Since work as a coach was not part of her plans, Slutskaya decided to connect her future life with television. At first she was a sports columnist, and then joined as a leading entertainment program. In 2013, Irina Slutskaya became co-host of Evgeni Plushenko on the project “Stars on Ice”. Then, together with Marat Basharov and other presenters, she headed several seasons of the TV program “Ice Age”.

With Alexander Yagudin

In addition, Irina performed for viewers in an unusual role for herself. She starred in the series "Hot Ice", in the romantic comedy "Three and a Snowflake."

Personal life

The personal life of Irina Slutskaya, as well as her creative biography, is filled with various interesting and memorable events. It is known that she has children and her husband Sergey, who in the past was seriously engaged in boxing (see the family photo below in the article).

Once having seen this beautiful girl on the screen, Sergey decided that he simply had to get to know her. Therefore, through mutual friends arranged a joint trip out of town. At that time, Irina was only 16 years old, so she was not ready for a serious relationship. But Sergey tried his best to get her attention. Gradually, he began to call her, give presents, make appointments. And Slutskaya still decided to give the guy a chance. And only after 4 years the couple decided to get married.

I. Slutskaya with her husband Sergey

A measured family life gave Sergey the confidence that his beloved would now always be there. He tried to help her in everything, especially during an illness that could completely cross out her brilliant career.

It would seem that their relationship could only be envied. In addition, in the personal life of Irina Slutskaya and her husband, serious changes took place: the son Artyom appeared in the family, and then the daughter of Varvara. After the birth of children, Irina devoted all her time to the family. Parents did an excellent job with their new responsibilities. Therefore, after some time, Slutskaya decided to return to her activities, and her husband supported her in this.

But in 2008, many sources reported that the couple decided to divorce. According to rumors, the personal life of Irina and her husband was just bursting at the seams. Journalists wrote that the skater had an affair with Andrei Novoselov, Alexei Tikhomirov, as she was very often seen together at various social events. But most of all, the press was interested in her friendship with K. Khabensky, despite the fact that at that moment the actor was happy in marriage. According to friends, Konstantin attended her training several times, and Irina went to his performances in the theater.

With own children

Fortunately, these rumors have not been confirmed. Irina Slutskaya is very happy with her husband, and together they continue to raise their two children - Artem, daughter - Varvara (see photo below in the article). In an interview, Irina Slutskaya talked about her biography and personal life: “Because of my hot temper, my husband and I very often quarrel over trifles. We have no ideal relationship. But I am grateful to him that Sergey is always calm.

After all, he already knows that my bad mood very quickly gives way to positive. There were many different situations in our lives that we were able to survive together. Therefore, after a while, we learned to value each other and not solve complex problems by parting. After all, our strength lies in the fact that we are together. Even if there is no past passion in our relations, that is immense love, thanks to which you realize that this particular person is your soul mate, and only with him you feel comfortable. ”

Irina Slutskaya - a popular Russian figure skater, Olympic champion, currently works on television. For a long time nothing was known about the family life of the athlete. Irina did not like about her personal life.
  And her husband is a very modest young man. He does not like to get caught in camera flashes.

Irina Slutskaya

But a few years ago, out of marriage, they began to discuss everything. The fact is that Irina and Sergey, so her husband’s name is, they nearly got divorced. Their marriage was on the verge of destruction. But, fortunately, everything worked out: the crisis in the relationship soon passed, and life went back on track.

By the way, the spouse of Slutskaya - Sergey Mikheev - is also an athlete. At one time, he was a very promising boxer, and now he works as a coach. The first time an athlete saw his beloved on television and fell in love. Immediately, he found a way to see the beautiful skater and call her out on a date. But Irina at that time did not take the boyfriend seriously, she was only 18, and he was already 23.

Irina Slutskaya with her husband

But Sergei did not give up, he called the girl, this went on for a rather long time. Soon, Irina realized that she had fallen in love, and Mikheev patiently waited for reciprocity from a beautiful athlete. The couple began to live together, at first the boxer did not behave seriously: he was constantly jealous of the girl, left, came and made scandals. Slutskaya did not like this, but she could not part with her beloved.

Irina Slutskaya with her husband

Then Irina decided on a bold step - she made an offer to Sergey. After the wedding, Mikheev changed a lot. He literally idolized Irina, supported her in everything, helped with work. Well, when the skater was expecting a child, he did not leave her a single step.

And after the birth of a child, Sergei himself sat with the children, since Slutskaya needed to work. But after 2 years, disagreements occurred in their family, the couple nearly divorced. But everything worked out, and Irina began to devote more time to the family. therefore, after the birth of her second child, she remained at home and raised the children herself.

Irina Slutskaya with children

Irina Eduardovna Slutskaya

Born February 9, 1979 in Moscow in the family of an engineer and teacher. Honored Master of Sports (figure skating, single skating), four-time champion of Russia, seven-time European champion, two-time world champion and two-time Olympic medalist. In 2000 she graduated from the Russian State Academy of Physical Culture (RGAFK).

She was awarded the Order of Friendship (2003) for her great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports and high sports achievements at the 2002 Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. In 2007, by Decree of the President of Russia, Irina Slutskaya was awarded the Order of Honor. Winner of the Eurosport Sport Star Awards-2006 in the nomination "Best Athlete of the Year", "Crystal Ice-2008" in the nomination "People’s Love", "Golden Skate Awards-2009", special prize "For a successful start in a new profession" of the festival- the contest of sports journalism “Energy of Victories 2011”, the award “Neblondina 2012”, the ambassador of Sochi-2014.

Married, husband - Sergey Mikheev, children's coach. In November 2007 Irina had a son, Artyom, in October 2010. - the daughter of Barbara.

Hobbies - snowboarding. Previously, she collected soft toys, now she continues to collect elephants.

As a child, Ira was often sick, and at four, her mother took her to the figure skating section at the Sokolniki sports club. At the age of six, Zhanna Fedorovna Gromova became her permanent coach.

Under Thunder’s leadership, Ira began to progress rapidly. In 1993, she joined the national team, won the junior championship of Russia and became the third at the junior world championship. In 1995, Irina won the first significant title in her career: she became the world champion among juniors. In the same year she made her debut at the adult European Championship, where she became fifth, and the World Championship, where she took 7th place.

Her real fame came in 1996, when the 16-year-old Ira won the European Championship for the first time in Sofia (she became the first Russian woman to win this title), as well as the bronze medal of the World Championship. The following season, she again became the strongest on the continent. In total, Irina became the European champion seven times (in 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2006), which is a world record.

In 1998, Irina took part in her first Olympic Games in Nagano, where she took fifth place. A month later, in Minneapolis, she became the silver medalist of the World Cup.

The season of 1998-1999 was one of the most unsuccessful in her career for Irina Slutskaya. Having become the fourth in the Russian championship, she did not get into the national team and missed the European and world championships. In August 1999, Irina got married.

The following season, she again returned to a leading position in world figure skating. Slutskaya won the championships of Russia and Europe, took first place in the Grand Prix finals, became second in the World Cup, losing only to American Michelle Kwan. In the 1999-2000 season, Irina Slutskaya became the first woman to cleanly perform the triple lutz cascade - triple rittberger at official competitions.

In 2001, the Russian skater again became the champion of Europe and the silver medalist of the world championship. At the world championship, Slutskaya became the first skater to complete the 3-3-2 cascade.

In 2002, Irina Slutskaya went to the second of her life Olympic Games in Salt Lake City in the rank of one of her favorites. In the free program, she lost to the American Sarah Hughes, losing her with one judicial vote, and eventually became the second, and a month later Slutskaya won the world championship for the first time in her career in Nagano.

In March 2002, Irina Slutskaya was awarded the gold medal "For an honest victory", which was specially ordered for her by an Ural politician and businessman Anton Bakov. The weight of the award is about a kilogram, but, unlike the Olympic gold medal, the medal is entirely made of gold of the 750th test.

The next two seasons became one of the most dramatic in Irina's career. Having won the European Championship in 2003 and won silver in the Grand Prix finals, Ira missed the World Cup due to a serious illness of her mother, and then the athlete herself began to have health problems. After long consultations, the doctors diagnosed the skater with a vascular disease. Doctors forbade Slutskaya to go on the ice, but this only spurred the athlete, contrary to all the forecasts of the doctors, to continue her sports career. As soon as Irina was able to train again, she returned to sports and went to the 2004 World Cup in Dortmund. Irina took the ninth place there, but already in the next season she completely regained the leading position in figure skating.

She won the stages and the Grand Prix finals, the championships of Russia and Europe, but the most memorable of her career was the victory at the 2005 World Cup in Moscow. World championships were judged according to the new system: the Sixes were canceled. Slutskaya showed an ideal, in her own words, free program, received very high marks and won with a great advantage. In addition to Irina Slutskaya, not a single Russian figure skater has yet managed to win the title of world champion twice.

In 2006, Irina Slutskaya won the European Championships for the seventh time in her career, breaking the record for figure skaters Katarina Witt and Sonya Heni. At the Winter Olympics in Turin, in a dramatic fight, Irina wins a bronze medal, thereby becoming the only Russian figure skater to win two Olympic medals.

After that, Irina Slutskaya did not go out to amateur competition ice anymore, but she continues to delight her fans with performances in ice shows. On October 5, 2012 in Japan, after a long break, the world figure skating championship among professionals was held, where Irina won a bronze medal.

Irina also tries her hand at cinema, theater and television. In 2004, she studied for several months at the Ostankino School of Television.

Irina Slutskaya - host of the show “Stars on Ice” (2006), “Ice Age” (2007, 2009), “Ice Age. Professional Cup ”(2012) and“ Ice Age 2013 ”on Channel One. In autumn 2008, Irina took part in this project as a participant in a pair with Gediminas Taranda, and also tried herself as a pilot in the show "First Squadron".

In the fall of 2007, the film “Three and a Snowflake” was released, where Irina starred in the episode. In 2008, she was assigned a small role in the TV series "Hot Ice" (coach Anastasia Ivanova).

On April 7, 2008, at the Theater Center “On Strastnoy”, her theatrical debut took place: Irina played Antigone in the play “Antigone - Vsegda” by the International Theater Laboratory of Nika Kosenkova. In 2009-2011 Slutskaya played Ariana Clarence in the play “A Successful Deal” (in the first season, “Love in French”) of the Panorama production center based on Claude Magnier's play Blaise, which premiered on April 1, 2009.

On December 25, 2009, the premiere of the clip for the song “New Year's” took place, which Irina sang in a duet with Sergey Kristovsky (member of Uma2rmaH), in March 2011 the premiere of the song “Sochi” in a duet with Asherali.

In April 2011, during the World Figure Skating Championships, held in Moscow, Irina Slutskaya acted as a commentator on these competitions on TV. Since October 2011

And ahead - a lot of interesting things ...

Irina Eduardovna Slutskaya is a famous Russian skater, TV presenter and actress. She achieved extraordinary results in her sports career. Slutskaya twice rose to the first place of the podium at the world championships, for the first time in the history of figure skating she won seven times at the European championships and won the silver and bronze medals of two Olympics. Among her achievements, one can also single out a cascade of three jumps (triple salchow - triple rittberger).

In the fate of the athlete were not only amazing victories, but also annoying defeats. Irina Slutskaya demonstrated that she is able to perfectly keep the blow and courageously fight troubles. This can be judged by the fact that the famous athlete managed not to get lost after leaving sports.

  Irina Slutskaya with parents

Irina Slutskaya is a native Muscovite. She was born in February 1979 in a family where her parents had nothing to do with sports: her father worked as a teacher in college, and her mother until retirement served as an engineer at a car factory.

When mother took little Ira to the sports section of the Moskvich club, she did not pursue the goal of making her a famous figure skater. Ira was a sick child, and her mother, by bringing her to sports, decided to improve her daughter's health.

From the age of four, the training of the future Olympic champion in single female figure skating began.

Then the potential of a capable girl was noted by Zhanna Fedorovna Gromova, who became the first coach of Slutskaya. Regular training, the perseverance of the athlete and the experience of the coach led Irina Slutskaya to the first serious victories.

Figure skating

The tough character and discipline allowed the girl to take prizes, starting with the junior international competitions. At seventeen, Irina Slutskaya was able to become the first Russian athlete to achieve the title of European champion in figure skating. This significant event took place at the World Championships in Sofia in 1996. Then the athlete found bronze at the World Cup. From that moment, a bright streak began in the sports biography of Irina Slutskaya: the skater began the ascent to Olympic victories.

In 1998, Irina Slutskaya took part in the Olympic Games in Nagano, where she won fifth place. But the next year was not so successful in his sports career, since the skater was not included in the Russian team, and she had to miss several championships. But then the bitterness of professional defeat was offset by personal happiness.

In 2000, the athlete gradually began to regain the laurels of the winner of the highest world competitions. Irina Slutskaya not only paid attention to training, but also graduated from the Academy of Physical Culture in 2000. Already in 2002, the Salt Lake City Olympics allowed Irina to bring “silver” to Russia; she only needed one point to get ahead of Sarah Hughes.

In the fate of the popular skater, successes were replaced by failures. The athlete’s mother was seriously ill, and she was forbidden to play sports herself because of problems with the vessels: Slutskaya was diagnosed with vasculitis. But no misfortunes affected Irina’s desire to win. She coped with her illness and again went out onto the ice.

In 2005, the native Moscow walls helped Irina Slutskaya win gold again at the World Championships. The 2006 European Championship brought the skater success again: Irina Slutskaya won the record seventh gold. In the same year, the Olympic Games were held in Turin, where Slutskaya was on the third step of the honorary prize podium.

By November 2006, the world famous Russian figure skater decided to leave professional sports and find herself in other activities. The result of her sports career was 40 gold, 21 silver and 18 bronze medals.


The end of her sports career did not become a starting point for oblivion for Irina Slutskaya: she found herself on television as a participant in ice projects, leading sports reviews, theater and film actress.

For the first time, viewers saw Irina in an unusual quality - in the role of co-host Marat Basharov - on the "Ice Age". Later, the former skater, along with Evgeni Plushenko, hosted the show "Stars on Ice". And in the second season of the Ice Age, Irina Slutskaya appeared on the ice as a participant, taking Garademinas Taranda as her partner.

In 2009, together with Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, the ex-athlete hosted the television show "Ice Age-3".

In 2007, Irina Slutskaya made her film debut: she starred in the episodic role of the film "Three and a Snowflake." The Russians were also able to appreciate the acting work of Slutskaya in the series “Hot Ice”, where she appeared in the image of trainer Anastasia Ivanova, and in the comedy musical “A Good Deal”.

In 2011, Slutskaya received the status of ambassador of the Sochi-2014 Winter Olympic Games. In the same year, Channel One acquired a commentator in its staff: as an observer, Irina Slutskaya was leading sports news.

Irina Eduardovna never forgets about sports, leads an active lifestyle and worries about young Russian talents. In August 2015, the School of Figure Skating named after Irina Slutskaya was opened in Lytkarino.

Often the name of Irina Slutskaya is placed next to the name of the famous football coach Leonid Slutsky. But there are no family ties between them.

In the fall of 2016, at the age of 37, Irina Slutskaya was elected as a deputy of the regional Duma from the United Russia party. She managed to demonstrate another facet of her personality - as a politician and not indifferent person with an active social position.

At the beginning of 2017, Irina Eduardovna took the initiative to create a department of physiotherapy exercises in one of the clinics in Yakutia. Her proposal was discussed and supported.

Personal life

Irina Slutskaya is married to former boxer Sergei Mikheev. Sergey saw his future wife on the TV screen and fell in love. They met in a rest house near Moscow, where Irina arrived with her friend for a couple of days. Then the athlete was still a young girl and was in no hurry to respond to the courtship of the young man, but with his perseverance and patience he won the ardent heart of the skater. In August 1999, they officially formalized their relationship.

The couple became the parents of two children. Son Artem was born a year after the end of his professional sports career, and his daughter Barbara was born in 2010.

The marriage of Irina Slutskaya and eight-year-old senior Sergei Mikheev was considered by many to be exemplary. But not so long ago there were rumors that the former skater, and now the deputy, had long since parted with her husband: they did not appear anywhere together. But next to Irina Slutskaya they often see her assistant and general director of the Voluntary Physical Culture Union, Alexei Tikhomirov. They are credited with a romantic relationship.

Neither Irina Slutskaya nor Alexei Tikhomirov confirm or refute the allegedly existing romance between them.

Attentive subscribers to the pages of Slutskaya and Tikhomirov on the social network say that there are a lot of common photos on their pages. At the same time, Irina cannot find photographs of her husband. Meticulous journalists also noticed that the woman’s ring finger is missing an engagement ring.

At the recent Muz-TV Prize, Irina Slutskaya was again accompanied not by her husband, but by assistant Aleksey Tikhomirov. And although the couple tried to stay at a distance, they left the event together, which did not escape the attentive eyes of the visitors.

Familiar Irina told reporters that it was Tikhomirov who was engaged in public relations of Slutskaya on the eve of the recent primaries in the Moscow region.

When asked why Irina’s husband Sergei Mikheev is not visible at social events near Irina, the woman replies that Sergei hates being in public.