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Why are there stripes on the nails of the hands? What do the longitudinal stripes on the nails say and how to get rid of them


Women are sensitive to the appearance of their nails and any external changes that negate the results of careful home care for them inevitably cause us aesthetic discomfort. Even an impeccably executed manicure can be ruined by ugly white spots, longitudinal grooves or transverse stripes on the nails. Of course, as new nail plates grow, the stripes may disappear completely and never appear again. But what if black or white stripes constantly form on the nails?

If such changes occur regularly with your nails, then be sure to consult a dermatologist so that the doctor examines the nail plates, prescribes treatment or sends you for further examination to other specialists to identify the exact cause of the pathology. The nail plates are attached to the nail bed thanks to a thin layer of epithelial tissue penetrated by tiny capillaries.

Many pathological changes in the body (especially metabolic disorders) can affect the color of the plates, cause deformation, as well as the appearance of longitudinal or transverse stripes on the nails. It happens that leukonychia develops in the form of small white dots, which lengthen over time and streak the nails along or across with white stripes. But most often, longitudinal grooves form on the nail plates, which we try to remove with the help of polishing buffs or nail files before applying varnish.

- in the photo: black and white stripes on the nails


Nutrient deficiency in the body.
Improper nutrition or too much passion for different diets can lead to insufficient supply of nutrients to the nail matrix. The deficiency of minerals and vitamins is especially noticeable on the condition of the nails. For the growth of healthy nails, trace elements such as sulfur, silicon, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium are needed. A lack of B vitamins (and especially B12) can lead to separation of the plates, the appearance of white dots and stripes;

Bruises and other injuries.
Mechanical damage to the nail can cause deformation and even separation of the nail plate from the bed. After an injury, white spots and wavy stripes appear on the nails;

Incorrect manicure.
Damage to the nail plate when removing the cuticle or during grinding with a nail file with a large abrasive can cause delamination and the appearance of white stripes on the nail. Deep transverse furrows may appear due to: the use of poorly disinfected manicure tools, the constant application of low-quality varnish or gel polish, the removal of extended nails without softening the coating;


In pregnant women, transverse stripes may appear on the nails with a low content of hemoglobin in the blood. In late pregnancy, the cause of the appearance of stripes may be a deficiency of trace elements such as zinc or iron;

Furrows Bo.
The depth of these transverse grooves can reach 1 mm. They appear with serious injuries of the nail matrix or as a result of a metabolic disorder. The reason for the formation of Bo's furrows on the nails in children may be one of the past diseases (diphtheria, scarlet fever, typhoid).


Hormonal disbalance.
Caused by rapid weight gain, irregular menstruation, chronic fatigue and severe stress, fibrocystic formations in the chest;

Circulatory disorders.
Thin longitudinal stripes of white color may appear on the nails due to thickening of the blood, general arterial plethora, chronic anemia, hypertension, angina pectoris;

Violation of the pancreas.
With inflammation of the pancreas, strongly protruding longitudinal grooves are sometimes formed on the nail plates;

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
Longitudinal grooves are formed parallel to each other along the lateral edges of the nails. This is a symptom of diseases such as: coronary heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, peripheral arterial disease;

Intestinal disorders.

The causes of the appearance of longitudinal grooves can be inflammatory processes: enteritis (small intestine), proctitis (rectum), sigmoiditis (sigmoid colon), colitis (colon);

Lichen planus.
Against the background of clouding of the nail, longitudinal striation and scallops appear, as well as the destruction of the nail fold;

Rheumatoid arthritis, gout.
Nails become wavy, thin grooves appear;

Dehydration of the body.
The lack of fluid in the body leads to disruption of the formation of new nail plates in the matrix. As a result, the nails grow thin, brittle, speckled with white stripes.


▪ Cardiovascular disease.
Black stripes on the nails can be one of the symptoms of diseases such as endocaritis, vasculitis, varicose veins;

▪ Blockage (thrombosis) of the brachial artery.
Against the background of clotting disorders, blood does not flow to the limb;

▪ A course of medications.
Prolonged use of antibiotics or other potent drugs (especially the tetracycline group);

▪ Nail psoriasis.

In some cases, the nail plate is noticeably separated from the bed, but sometimes it looks as if a splinter has fallen under the nail. Pinkish stripes appear around the area of ​​​​the peeled plate, which eventually change color to yellow, brown or black;

▪ Violations in the digestive tract.
Regular consumption of undercooked pork can cause dark streaks on the nails. Transverse black stripes on the nails sometimes appear with ulcerative colitis, with a stomach or duodenal ulcer, with gastritis, with gastroduodenitis;

▪ Onychodystrophy.
With constant injury to the fingers, onychodystrophy develops with the appearance of longitudinal black stripes, the number of which increases with time;

▪ Atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis of small vessels at the base of the nail can cause thickening, delamination of the nail plate with the appearance of longitudinal dark stripes;

▪ Arthrosis.

Inflammatory processes in the joints and degeneration of the periarticular tissues can provoke nail deformity with the appearance of tuberosity on the striped plates;

▪ Subungual melanoma.
A malignant tumor under the nail stands out as a dark stripe or spot due to the color of the pigment cells (melanocytes).


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Fingernails and toenails should always be cared for equally and carefully monitored for their condition. Only healthy plates will testify not only to their normal state, but also to the absence of problems in the body. To find out about the causes and start the treatment of longitudinal stripes on the nails of the hands, you need to consult a doctor.

Only an experienced specialist will be able to determine the true nature of the manifestation of the disease, he will correctly select the method of therapy that will be effective and will lead the patient to recovery as quickly as possible.

Causes of thickened toenails

Pachyonychia is one of the most common causes of thickened toenails. Treatment in this case is optional, the body will not be exposed to any harmful effects, since the problem is congenital, and only the appearance suffers from it. Conventionally, all causes can be divided into 2 categories - non-pathological and pathological.

The second type of reasons include the constant wearing of closed, as well as uncomfortable or tight shoes. In this case, thickening occurs because the nail is shed, which leads to an acceleration of regeneration, that is, new cells will form in excess. In the normal state, they always grow forward, to the place of the cut, but in this situation they will grow from above.

Note! Such growths significantly thicken the nails and give them a yellow tint. Also, small cracks and oblong stripes can form on the surface.

Pathological causes mean the formation of a thickening as a result of infection with yeast-like fungi. The disease is very common, and its danger lies in the fact that people do not notice it at an early stage, since it is asymptomatic.

Why do waves and bumps appear on the nails

Irregularities on the plates are not always a problem associated with cosmetology. Often such a deviation appears due to infection with fungi, namely mycosis. Yellowness is a confirmation that the nail of the hand is really under the influence of the disease.

In this case, you must immediately visit a doctor who will conduct a study and prescribe therapy. Self-medication is highly undesirable and often ineffective. Here it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism, since the bacteria living on the hands of different people will also react differently to the same drug.

How to treat thickened toenails?

In some cases, the appearance of a fungus may be accompanied by a decrease in immunity, which will prevent a full recovery. To find out what to do if thick nails are provoked by mycosis, you need to make an appointment with a doctor. Usually, the specialist prescribes the following drugs to the patient:

  • Terbinil;
  • Lamisil;
  • Mycosan.

These drugs are applied 2 times a day for a week. Together with them, it is desirable to use drugs with an antifungal effect.

How to deal with uneven nails?

The treatment of uneven plates is always very protracted. In addition to the fact that the plates need to be looked after twice as carefully and special baths should be made, a number of medicinal preparations and a vitamin complex will have to be used. It all comes down to following a special diet and taking antifungal agents.

To enhance the effect, you can use antimycotic and corticosteroid ointments. To strengthen the body, it is recommended to consume foods such as nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits. An important role will be played by food containing vitamin C and iron.

How to quickly achieve visual improvements in the condition of nails?

To quickly achieve improvement, you need to know the specific cause that triggered the problem. There are no exact tips on how to improve the external condition of the plates, the only thing the patient can do is to contribute to his speedy recovery.

For this, along with complex drug treatment, alternative methods can be used, namely:

  1. Using a solution for parka legs. Ratio: 1 liter of water to 1 teaspoon of salt.
  2. Affected nails can be wiped 2 times a day with vinegar or iodine.
  3. Before going to bed, it is necessary to make compresses from garlic gruel. They are fixed on the finger with polyethylene and a bandage and left overnight.
  4. A slice of lemon can be attached to the plate, it is fixed in the same way as above.

Softening of the toenails in the elderly

With age, the nails lose their former beauty, coarsen, acquire a yellow tint and increase in thickness. In women over 50 years old, this is due to the accumulation of salts, it is they who violate the aesthetics of the nail plates. Therefore, the question arises, how to soften the nail of an elderly person in order to do a manicure?

There are 2 most common ways:

  • bath with baking soda and liquid soap. To do this, prepare water no more than 40 degrees, dissolve 1 small spoon of soda in it and add liquid soap. In this solution, the legs are kept for about 10-13 minutes;
  • compress with aloe. This method is well suited for those who are going to cut their nails in the morning. A small leaf of aloe is cut wide and the mucous side is applied to a hard plate. In the morning she will be ready for a haircut.

How to trim thick toenails

Trimming thick nail plates is not easy, as they are very hard, and simply softening may not be enough. First you need to prepare separate scissors or wire cutters. If the plates have become thick due to a disease, it will pass to other people who use these manicure accessories.

As a last resort, experts advise using scissors for cutting chicken. They are very durable, as they are designed for cutting not only meat, but also bones. Therefore, they will cope with even the thickest nails.

The nails of a healthy person are smooth, shiny, pale pink in color, with a pronounced whitish hole at the base. At the same time, the nail plate is constantly updated, growing by about one millimeter in a week.


With age, the nail plate thickens and becomes more brittle. This is part of the body's natural aging process. Fragility is also characteristic of the nails of women. But within six months after giving birth, everything usually returns to normal.

It is acceptable if the nails break due to a lack of vitamins or turn yellow due to poor-quality varnish. Sometimes the nail plate can even turn black and fall off if the finger is pinched or hit.

In a healthy person, the nails on the hands are completely restored within 4-6 months, on the legs - within 6-8 months.

But there are persistent pathologies that we often do not even pay attention to. But in vain. Some changes in the shape, color and texture of the nails, as well as the skin around them, may indicate disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and the presence of a variety of, sometimes serious diseases.

What are the deviations


If the nail breaks as soon as it looks beyond the edge of the finger, it is likely that the body is deficient in A, E and C, as well as iron and zinc. Sometimes fragility can be the result of thyroid disease and a precursor to diabetes.


In the people, they are considered a good omen, in medicine, this pathology is called leukonychia. Microscopic air bubbles form between the layers of the nail plate, which on the surface look like white dots and stripes.

Leukonychia is punctate (a couple of spots on several nails) and total (when the entire plate is affected). The causes are varied, from injury and unbalanced nutrition to exhaustion of the nervous system and heart failure.


The shape and color of the nails look normal. But if you look closely, the nail plate is pierced with tiny indentations (as if pierced with a needle). Doctors even have such a term - thimble-like stubbornness.

This is almost always a sign. Sometimes this can manifest itself as eczema or arthritis.

Having found this or any other nail pathology in yourself, you should not self-medicate. The first thing to do is to make an appointment with a therapist and / or dermatologist, to take tests. Only a professional doctor and clinical studies are able to give an accurate answer, what is the cause of the pathology. Maybe this is some stage of psoriasis, or maybe just a malfunction in the thyroid gland or the gastrointestinal tract.

Olga Aleinikova, nurse, manicure and pedicure master


Lunules or holes are a light crescent at the base of the nail. They should occupy about a third of it and be clearly visible.

Athletes and people engaged in hard physical labor have too large holes. Sometimes they can indicate malfunctions and blood vessels, low blood pressure.

Small, barely peeking out from under the cuticle of the lunula can be a sign of a lack of vitamin B12 and iron, as well as problems with blood circulation.


These are the so-called Bo lines. The pathology of the nail plate in the form of transverse lines up to one millimeter deep was first identified by the French military surgeon Joseph Honore Simon Bo.

Bo lines are formed due to damage to the matrix of the nail plate. When she lacks nutrition, the chemical composition of the nail changes and its plate is deformed. Most often this is due to strict diets bordering on starvation.

Also, these injuries can be mechanical (when the nail is hit in the area of ​​the hole) or toxic in nature (due to potent drugs or chemotherapy). Sometimes Bo lines can appear against the background of cardiovascular diseases, fungal and other infections.


If for the elderly such a change in the relief of the nails can be considered the norm, then for people under 50 years old, protruding vertical stripes most likely indicate a lack of B vitamins and trace elements (zinc, iron, magnesium).

It can also be a consequence of a pedicure: the cuticle was pushed too far and the root of the nail was damaged. But in these cases, only a few vertical stripes stand out.

If more than 25% of the nails are affected by them, the health of the internal organs should be checked. First of all, the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

If the pathology does not have an infectious nature, you know its cause and have already begun treatment, then you can give the damaged nails an aesthetic appearance. Any good salon has spa treatments for nails. For example, for nutrition and hydration, you can do a Japanese manicure (P-Shine) or paraffin therapy. For smoothness - grinding and polishing of the nail plate.


This is koilonychia, that is, a deformation of the nail plate, in which its center bends, and the edges are turned up. It does not cause discomfort, color and smoothness are preserved, but it looks ugly.

The easiest way to identify koilonychia is to put water on the nail. Did the drop roll off freely? Everything is fine. Is the drop stuck in the groove? There is reason to think.

Most often, concave nails are the result of a lack of iron in the body and endocrine disorders. Other acquired causes of koilonychia include injury, contact with chemicals, and sudden changes in temperature.

In addition, spoon nails can occur due to gene mutations and can be inherited.


Another name is the fingers of Hippocrates. This is a symptom in which the nail plates thicken and become like watch glasses. At the same time, if you look at the finger from the side, the angle between the posterior nail fold and the nail plate exceeds 180°.


Drum sticks are always a sign of a serious illness. They can manifest themselves in diseases of the lungs (from tuberculosis to cancer), heart and blood vessels (heart defects, endocarditis and others), gastrointestinal tract (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and others).

9. Detachment of the nail


In medicine, this is called onycholysis - a violation of the connection between the nail and the nail bed, when a void forms between them, and the nail plate changes color.

In 60% of cases, the cause is trauma. Upon impact, the vessels in the dermis are compressed, the nutrition of the nail is disturbed, its chemical composition and elasticity change. Another 30% is due to fungal diseases and allergic reactions. The remaining 10% of onycholysis develop due to systemic somatic diseases.

When the nail plate begins to rise up, it no longer covers the nail bed that nourishes it. This can lead to infection. If you hit or had any contact with chemicals and suddenly noticed that the nail began to peel off, you need to use antifungal and regenerating agents as soon as possible.

Olga Aleinikova, nurse, manicure and pedicure master


This is the name of the syndrome in which half of the nail plate is white, and half, closer to the tip, is brownish.

The most likely cause is kidney failure, due to which the number of blood vessels under the nails increases and they shine through the nail plate.

Also, "half" nails are found in people and those who have undergone chemotherapy.

A change in the color of the nail plate is a signal that it is time to take care of your health.

If the nails suddenly turn white, it is worth checking the digestive and cardiovascular systems and paying special attention to the liver. A yellow tint also provokes liver diseases, as well as pathologies of the endocrine and lymphatic systems. Blueness indicates a lack of oxygen, low hemoglobin levels, or poor circulation.


Most often, a black stripe appears on the nail plate due to injury or malfunction. And in some peoples, this is a feature of the natural pigmentation of the skin.

But if you eat normally, you didn’t hit anywhere, and blackening suddenly appeared on the nail, it’s better to see a doctor. This may be a symptom of melanoma, a malignant skin cancer.

How to keep your nails beautiful and healthy

Proper nutrition, healthy sleep and sports should be the default. Regularly inspect the nail plates and take care of your hands.

  • Get manicures and pedicures. Trim or file the free edge of the nails in a timely manner, treat the cuticle.
  • Don't bite your nails.
  • Wear gloves when handling chemicals and when digging in beds.
  • Take vitamins.
  • Regularly smear hands and nails with a nourishing cream.
  • Don't wear tight shoes, don't stick your fingers in cracks, and be careful with your hammer.

When going out to crowded places, use liquid gloves (this is such an emulsion). The risk of contracting infectious diseases through the hands is now very high.

Seeing signs of ill health on the nail plates, use antifungal agents and regenerating drugs. If the pathology is stable, be sure to take tests and go to the doctor.

Fingernails are one of the main indicators of age-related and pathological changes in the human body. Their condition can tell a lot: dysfunction of internal organs, hormonal failure, weakening of the body's defenses or nail fungus. In such a situation, the main thing is to determine the source of the appearance of pathology. What do the longitudinal stripes on the nails of the hands mean, why do they appear and how to get rid of them?

You should always listen to your body. He can tell us a lot. Through outward manifestations, you can determine what is happening inside you. Look carefully at your fingernails without varnish and any coatings. In healthy people, the nail plate is smooth and shiny. To the touch, healthy nails are smooth, do not have any bulges or irregularities (see photo on the right).

If you see longitudinal stripes on the nail plate, then this is a signal that should not be ignored. You need to understand the reason for the appearance of stripes on the nails. There may be several of them on one nail or on all located in the middle or along the edges, and in some cases - all over the plate. The stripes are white, black, or the same shade as the plate itself (see photo). Do not ignore the vertical stripes on the nails and hide them under a thick layer of varnish in order to preserve the aesthetic appearance. Perhaps the cause needs to be looked for much deeper and action taken.

Causes of longitudinal stripes

Many women, having found stripes on their fingernails, panic and try to take action; others, on the contrary, do not even worry about it. Why do these stripes appear and what does it mean, let's figure it out.

The appearance of longitudinal stripes on the nails of the hands in old age should not cause concern, as this is a normal phenomenon associated with age-related changes in the body. You can't get rid of them, but you can still make them less noticeable.

If stripes appear far before the turn of old age, then there may be the following reasons for this:

  • hormonal failure in the body;
  • metabolic problems;
  • deficiency of minerals: zinc, iron, vitamin B12;
  • functional disorder of the digestive or endocrine systems;
  • excess carbohydrates;
  • infectious diseases;
  • stressful situations, nervous strain;
  • trauma to the cuticle or nail plate;
  • fungus;
  • reduced immunity;
  • cardiac and vascular pathologies;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • arthritis;
  • gout.

Regular use of low-quality varnish, manicure, in which the cuticle or plate were damaged, provoke the appearance of longitudinal stripes on the nails. Also, nails can become covered with stripes due to the extension procedure.

Principles of treatment for striped nails

To get rid of the stripes on the nail plate, it is necessary to establish the cause of their appearance. The doctor will help you with this. He will prescribe certain examinations, after which he will be able to diagnose the disease. It is quite possible that these studies will not reveal any pathological changes in the body, then you will have to visit a beautician.

Of course, you can try to personally solve the problem: balance your diet, start taking a multivitamin complex, reduce the consumption of high-carbohydrate foods. If there was a lack of nutrients in the body, then the strips should disappear after a while.

You have established nutrition, lead a healthy lifestyle, are not nervous, and the stripes on the nails of the hands still do not disappear, so you still need to contact a specialist. If the cause of striped nails lies in the diseases of the body systems, then the main attention will be paid to the restoration of the damaged organ. If the problem of the longitudinal strips is a fungus, then the doctor will prescribe special antifungal agents. However, do not forget about good nutrition.

The problem of striped nails due to mechanical damage will be solved by a beautician or special procedures that can be done at home.

  1. Use of specialized therapeutic lotions, moisturizers and oils.
  2. Gentle nail polish. This procedure is carried out only in a beauty salon. It consists of three stages: alignment of the damaged plate, application of a therapeutic agent and coating with a protective agent.
  3. Carrying out paraffin therapy. Paraffin sealing is helpful for damaged fingernails. The procedure not only heals, but also serves as a prevention of diseases of the nail plates. Special cosmetic paraffin, saturated with useful substances, is applied to striped nails for two weeks. Paraffin resembles a colorless varnish, so it is not visible on the nails. During this period, nails should be protected from mechanical damage and direct sunlight.

Home treatment procedures

You can eliminate unwanted manifestations on the nails at home. To do this, you need to know simple tricks that will help not only strengthen the nail plate, but also restore its structure.

Good remedies for healing nails at home are:

  1. Compresses. Oils are ideal for this: vegetable or essential. The most useful oil for nails and skin is olive oil. It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes. Oils can be mixed and create a personalized cosmetic product that must be applied daily to damaged nails.
  2. Baths. There are a lot of recipes. However, the most useful is a hand bath with a solution of sea salt. Dilute in warm boiled water 1 tbsp. soda, 2 tbsp. sea ​​salt and two drops of pharmacy iodine. Dip your hands in the prepared solution for 15-20 minutes, then dry with a towel and apply a nourishing cream on your nails. You can prepare vegetable baths using infusions of pharmaceutical herbs: calendula, chamomile, oak bark, celandine.
  3. Massage. This procedure will help normalize blood circulation in the nail plate and improve the supply of nutrients. For massage, a nourishing nail cream or cosmetic oil is used. The tool must be applied to the nail plate in a circular motion until a feeling of warmth from the massage appears.
  4. Lemon juice. As you know, lemon has bleaching and regenerating properties. It is necessary to collect the juice in a pipette and drip two drops on each nail. Then you need to wait a while until the juice is completely absorbed into the plate.

Preventive actions

The appearance of longitudinal stripes on the nails of the hands can be prevented, but for this you need to properly care for them:

  • carefully handle the cuticle, do not use a metal nail file if you prefer to do the manicure yourself;
  • drink multivitamin complexes twice a year;
  • eat fresh fruits and vegetables, eat nuts, use vegetable oils in cooking;
  • do not get carried away with sweets and flour products;
  • every three days to do wellness baths for hands;
  • save the nail plates from contact with chemicals;
  • in the cold season, wear gloves or mittens;
  • to refuse from bad habits.

Now you know why longitudinal stripes appear on the nails of the hands and how to deal with them. Do not ignore this problem, as it can be much more serious than it seems at first glance. And the consultation of a specialist will not be superfluous, on the contrary, it will help to identify the true cause of the change in the structure of the nail.

Sometimes defects in the form of grooves or stripes appear on the nail plates. They can be located both longitudinally and transversely. Their manifestation is often single, but there are also numerous grooves located throughout the nail plate. Such bands signal the presence of any problems that arise in the body. As a result, it is not worth "closing your eyes" to these manifestations.

Causes of stripes on the nails of the hands

The most common cause of this manifestation is age. In the process of aging of the person himself, changes occur in the body, which affect the growth of nails. This is the only reason why stripes can appear in a completely healthy person.

The reason for the appearance of stripes on the nail plates may be mechanical injury. Such a manifestation occurs when both the cuticle and the matrix itself are damaged. Both of these elements are components of the base of the nail, where its cells are formed. If the matrix is ​​damaged, even strongly pronounced stripes may appear. The infliction of such injuries is possible even with inept or improper nail care or the use of a low-quality tool during this process. In such cases, after the growth of a new nail plate, the defect disappears and does not recur.

In all other cases, when these manifestations occur, a visit to specialists is required. This is the only correct solution.

Other reasons for the appearance of stripes on the nails include:

Functional disturbances gastrointestinal tract or pancreas.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system, including hypertension. In such cases, the strips appear parallel along the edges of the nail plates.

stressful situations. The appearance of stripes on the nails is possible due to stress, both physical and psychological.

Availability chronic diseases. These include rheumatoid arthritis, lichen planus, gout, poor circulation, and a host of other illnesses.

Flaw in organism vitamins A, B12 or zinc. Such manifestations often occur with ill-conceived diets, as well as in adolescents due to their rapid growth or in pregnant women due to the fact that the fetus needs a lot of nutrients.

In the event of a disease kidney or shortage in the body of such an element as iron, the grooves may have a transverse direction.

Arthritis. In this disease, tubercles are added to the transverse stripes, which indicate problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Children's infections. Diseases such as measles or rubella can cause small children to develop a transverse band that has an arched shape.

Individual intolerance some medical drugs.

In the presence of fungal diseases, except for the appearance of stripes, nails begin to exfoliate. Other manifestations of symptoms inherent in this particular disease are also possible - the nail plate turns yellow and thickens.

In cases where the causes of the appearance of stripes are minor factors, then they pass quickly, as the nail plate grows. However, in cases of serious pathologies, the grooves become pronounced and their presence on the nail is permanent, up to a complete cure for the underlying disease.

Treatment of stripes on the nails of the hands

In cases where the cause of the appearance of stripes on the nail plates is already known, the treatment is performed in order to eliminate the root cause. Without this action, other measures to eliminate the furrows will be ineffective.

For a successful cure, it is necessary not only to consult a specialist, but also to undergo a complete examination. When completing a course that can even last several months, proper care of the nail plates is necessary.

When performing polishing, it must be remembered that this action is carried out exclusively in one direction. Aligning the plate for the first procedure is not worth it. Such haste can only lead to additional injury. It is necessary to cut off in small layers. Do the procedure once a week.

There are also special varnishes for covering nails with such problems. This tool masks even quite pronounced stripes.

An important factor in the treatment process is the diet. Food must meet such requirements as usefulness and nutritional value. Moreover, in many cases, the menu must be agreed with the doctor. He also prescribes additional vitamin complexes if necessary.