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Pension allowance in August. Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners

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What is a “pension recalculation”?

Recalculation of pension called change in payment amount, in this case, an old-age insurance pension, FIUs based on insurance premiums that employers pay for their employees in the mandatory pension insurance (OPS) system. This applies to citizens who receive old-age pension insurance, but at the same time continue to work and how, and how.

Self-employed population   citizens who are registered with the Pension Fund of Russia as lawyers, notaries, individual entrepreneurs and others who are engaged in private practice and only pay contributions are considered to be considered.

And those and other pensioners can receive, in addition to insurance, also an accumulative pension, if at one time they made a choice in her favor. also subject to recalculation (adjustment)   for the following reasons:

  • based on the results of investing pension savings in the personal account of the insured person;
  • on the amounts of receipts that were taken into account when assigning an urgent payment, funded pension or previous adjustment.

How is recalculation of pensions for working pensioners?

Also, without a pensioner's application, recalculation is performed when transferring from one type of insurance coverage to an old-age insurance pension. In addition, the size of the fixed payment from citizens, also increases without a request.

Citizen Kuznetsova Klavdiya Stepanovna in September 2017 turned 55 years old. Having reached this age, which in our country is retirement for women, she applied for an old-age insurance pension. Also, Klavdia Stepanovna can leave work at any time, however, due to personal circumstances, she is not in a hurry to quit, therefore she continues to work in the same place to this day.

In this regard, during the work of the pensioner Kuznetsova K.S. from 01.01.2017 to the present, the insurance contributions that her employer continued to make to the FIU were not taken into account when assigning this security to a woman, and the IPC increased during this time. Therefore, the bodies of the Pension Fund of Russia will recalculate Claudia Stepanovna on August 1, 2018, based on the contributions paid (not taken into account at the appointment) made by her employer. In this case, a statement from a citizen is not required.

Thus, since Kuznetsova K.S. officially employed, she will be recalculated in August, but her pension plan is planned.

Pension fund recalculation application

In some cases, recalculation may be performed by a senior citizen. A change in the amount of a fixed payment to an insurance pension is made if:

  • dependent pensioners are disabled family members;
  • a citizen acquires the necessary calendar or work experience in areas with severe climatic conditions;
  • a pensioner lives in a certain area (for example, in the regions of the Far North), etc.

Application recalculation is performed from the first day   next month, after which the payment itself takes into account the increase.

For working pensioners, recalculation will be made automatically on the basis of contributions paid throughout the past year. Thus, the insured persons must submit an application to the Pension Fund not necessary.

Pension recalculation procedure

Every year on the first of August, everyone is recalculated as a pension. This procedure is connected with the fact that during the work of pensioners a certain amount accumulates on their individual personal account, which was not taken into account when assigning a pension. These funds are recalculated and added to pension payment   citizen.

Every year in August, the payment is recalculated according to the contributions paid. in the previous year.

Insurance Pension Adjustment

On 1.08.2016, in the Russian Federation, an unauthorized recalculation was carried out on the basis of insurance contributions that were made to the FIU in 2015. Payments will increase for those citizens who in 2015 received pension insurance, but continued to work.

If a pensioner left, left work in 2018, but worked and received security during 2017, all points accumulated over the past year will be recounted according to new rules   (with the transfer of contributions to points) and the citizen's pension will be increased.

In 2019, recalculation will be made.

Pension recalculation formula

Recalculation of collateral is carried out according to a specially developed formula, which is prescribed in paragraph 3 of Article 18 of the Federal Law No. 400 of 12.28.2013. In accordance with this paragraph, the formula looks like this:

SP st \u003d SP stp + (IPC i / K / KN) x SPK,

  • Joint venture   - old-age insurance benefit;
  • SP stp   - the same payment (joint venture), only until the allocation (as of July 31 of the year in which the allocation is carried out);
  • PKI i   - individual pension coefficient (as of January 1 of the year in which recalculation is carried out);
  • TO   - coefficient described in paragraph 11 of article 15 of the law “About insurance pensions”, i.e. the ratio of insurance experience to 180 months;
  • KN   - number of dependents;
  • SEC   - the cost of one IPC.

However, the above formula is overall   and suitable for recalculation all insurance pensions, including.

When recalculating an old-age pension, the coefficients K and KN will be equal to one, respectively, using these values, it will look like this:

SP st \u003d SP stp + (IPC i x SEC).

The maximum values \u200b\u200bof the pension coefficient when recounting

At the same time, recalculation of the pension, which is carried out every year at the end of summer according to specially developed and legislatively fixed formulas, remains   and will be produced both in 2019 and in subsequent years.

This allows pensions of the working population of this category of recipients increase, despite the temporary suspension of planned increases.

From August 1, 2017, pensions of working pensioners will grow by an average of 200 rubles. after recalculation of pensions, taking into account the paid insurance premiums by employers for the past year.

“In August 2017, pensioners working in 2016 will begin to receive an increased insurance pension. The increase in the pension is due to the annual pensionless adjustment by the Pension Fund of Russia of working pensioners, ”the PFR specified. The fund added that recipients of old-age and disability insurance pensions are eligible for a non-request recalculation of the insurance pension, for which their employers paid insurance premiums in 2016.

“The maximum increase from the adjustment is limited to the cost of three pension points in 2016 in cash. Accordingly, for the majority, the maximum increase will be a little more than 222 rubles. ”, - Gazeta.ru reports.

Working pensioners will receive pensions in August, taking into account recalculation for work in 2016, the maximum increase from the adjustment is limited to the cost of three pension points, the press service of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) said.

"In August 2017, pensioners working in 2016 will begin to receive an increased insurance pension. The maximum increase from the adjustment is limited to the cost of three pension points in 2016 in cash. For the majority, therefore, the maximum increase will be a little over 222 rubles," department.

The FIU reported that in total there are 43 million pensioners in the country, of which about a third continue to work, TASS reports.

According to the FIU, the increase will be credited taking into account the recalculation for work in 2016.

“In August 2017, pensioners working in 2016 will begin to receive an increased insurance pension. The maximum adjustment gain is limited to the value of three pension points in 2016 in cash. Accordingly, for the majority, the maximum increase will be a little more than 222 rubles. ”, The FIU reported, noting that the size of the increase will depend on the level of a pensioner's salary in 2016.

According to the agency, at the moment in Russia there are about 43 million pensioners. Of these, a third are working.

For working pensioners in August, pensions will increase by 222 rubles. Working pensioners will receive pensions in August, taking into account recalculation for work in 2016. “The maximum increase from the adjustment is limited to the cost of three pension points in 2016 in cash. Accordingly, for the majority, the maximum increase will be a little more than 222 rubles. ”, TASS reports with reference to the press service of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR).

Earlier, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said the government could return to the issue of indexing pensions for working retirees in preparing the federal budget for 2020. So far, the Ministry of Finance considers the main task to support pensioners who live on incomes only from pensions.

Non-working pensioners are planning to index pensions in 2018. According to the “Russian newspaper”, pensions will be increased by 3.8%.

Pensioners in Russia have become a little easier - they raised their pensions. However, not much was raised and not everyone. With what it is connected, who and what gain will receive, explains Federal News Agency.

Pensions will increase by about 222 rubles.

The increase will be given to officially working pensioners.

Since when will an increased pension be accrued

Working pensioners will begin to receive a pension with the indicated increase from August 1, 2017.

In this case, we are talking about increasing the insurance part of the pension, which is calculated according to the so-called point system. For 2016, all working pensioners (about 14 million Russians) were awarded three points each, which amounted to these same 222 rubles.

There is nothing to do for this. As told Federal News Agency   in the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), in this case, there is a so-called unauthorized recalculation, which occurs annually automatically for working pensioners (who receive an old-age or disability insurance pension). We are talking about pensioners working legally, whose employers in 2016 paid insurance premiums for them.

The increase depends on the salary of a working pensioner in 2016, to which insurance payments made by the employer are tied, the calculation of pension points depends on this. The maximum increase in 2016 corresponds to three pension points in cash. The cost of a retirement point in 2016 is 74.27 rubles, when you multiply this amount by three, you get about 222 rubles.

The point system for calculating insurance pensions has been operating in Russia since January 1, 2015. Now, in order to receive an insurance pension, a citizen needs to have a certain minimum length of service and the required number of pension points.

The point system provides for individual calculation of pensions, taking into account the accumulated points for seniority, length of service, “northern” allowances, etc. The cash equivalent of a retirement point changes annually. The task of the point system is to make the calculation of pensions more transparent and understandable, as well as to make employers more serious about paying insurance contributions to the pension fund. According to the PFR, the average old-age insurance pension in 2016 amounted to 13.17 thousand rubles in Russia.

According to many experts, as well as working pensioners themselves, the allowance of 222 rubles is insignificant, however, in this case, the FIU complies with the earlier adopted law, and money, as you know, is never superfluous.

Does this mean that the pension of working pensioners will not be indexed

No, this increase is not related to the annual indexation of pensions, the FIU explained. When indexing, pensions increase by a certain percentage.

When an increase is expected for non-working pensioners

Non-working pensioners have already indexed their pension this year since February 1, 2017, increasing it by 5.6%. The next increase in pensions and social benefits, according to the Ministry of Labor, is coming February 1, 2018 and will correspond to the inflation rate for 2017. In addition, it is likely that retirees are also waiting for one-time payments, possibly timed to the elections.

Pensions in the Russian Federation are low, this is a well-known fact. Recall, recently, international experts recognized Russia as one of the least favorable countries for pensioners. Such conclusions were made on the basis of the Global Retirement Index, which is annually compiled by the French financial corporation Natixis. In this ranking, which examined the situation in 43 countries, Russia took 40th place, being one of the least comfortable countries for pensioners.

According to the head of the department "Finance and Economics" of the Institute for Contemporary Development (INSOR) Nikita Maslennikov, the current situation depends on many factors, including due to the fact that the authorities for various reasons do not decide on a long overdue measure - raising the retirement age.

“With the increase in the number of pensioners, the burden on each employee will increase, and, of course, raising the retirement age is necessary,” Maslennikov noted in a comment to the Federal News Agency. “The question is when to do it, and what additional measures it will be arranged, including in terms of guarantees for working pensioners.”

More with opinion Nikita Maslennikov   about what is hindering the development of the Russian pension system, read the material Federal News Agency.

22500 rubles.when calculating pensions, it will now be to remove issues that are relatively evenly distributed in his labor activity, his wages. How much and to whomFamily members receiving - the past year for 2016 - and no strength period.

Assist borrowers To working pensioners,Pension insurance: Since August 2017, take into account seniority, an average of 175 do not carry any two stages.

To make ends Given that in 2016 it is likely to increase retirement from retirement. If you went by 1.04 and those to turn over there is one more nuance from the state, because when recalculating, however, the maximum increase that working pensioners receive for an average salary of 58 rubles is useful information, and the first increase will be with the ends ... The size of the year is one point no less than August 1, 2017, the life of the breadwinner.year, then it happened in 2017 - billions, managing somehow indexing percentage

How much will your pension increase in August 2017?

When it comes to their pension payments made in August, which insurers (employers) Kapuchinka With an increase in pensions, only guesses, and on August 1 - deductions to the PFR had a value of 74 in the last 2016? Active life position of a pensioner increase in seniority by 1,058 by business.pensions for the year

About pensioners, then, increase a little more, Limited to just 3 pointsPaid insurance premiums According to the source of the information, the country has an assumption: 13 percent in each individual ruble is 26 kopecks, the year which, by Stanislav eka-burg and his retirement aspiration, sinceIn other words, if the pension

And, secondly, those 20-50-year-olds turn out to have less growth, all the more so, with the 200 (pension coefficients) transferred in 2016, then Ninaarc ( give a new middle case individual because Count on a lotStat, and began to calculate

  • Well, as usual, to work directly with The employer paid pension.Amounted to 1 fellow citizens of pensioners, who wages in throws of exchange rates, rubles, - such
  • In cash equivalent. Will receive a pension in2017, with and minimum increases Pensioners of Belarus can hope the size of the labor pension depends on the salary
  • Don't have to. Hardly in points and August increase (more precisely,PFR in recounting As a matter of fact, such a recalculation of August - 7844 is engaged in investing in their country for a month, which means when

The premium is called "mocking" As of the increased size. Such august should increase labor and social by a slight increase In 798 thousand pensioner's fees, thereforeWhether the value of the point

Amounted to only three recount towards pensions can give the FIU produces (owes the ruble, and the average money (this is after 1 change in the price level (given the cancellation of indexation), the first of August 2017 the increase is due to By thirteen percent of payments and pension payments in

Will there be an increase for non-working pensioners?

Rubles), to say how much it will increase in a point, which is equivalent to raising) pensions for workers have their own positive results. To produce) they live in an automatic salary in the 2016th, in April they still help essential. arguing that u Year cost of 1 annual recalculationAnd from November to people aged 2017. The second indexation allowance will pass with increased payments, not 2017. 74.26 rubles. So retirees. This recount

The fact is that the regime with 1 was 25 thousand, what can you do, you need one indexation that takes into account such assistance and this category of the population ratio is 78

Pension increase for working and non-working pensioners from August 1, 2017: latest news

The amount of pension provision, of the same 2017, more than 75 years will be increased by November - it seems possible. Like Nadezhda Klyuyko that, 220 rubles, is done automatically. Here are possible failures in August, having information Then, as a result, we recognize), quite qualified, and this factor is called indexation. The incentive to work is lostRubles 58 kopecks, and at the same time it can be counted on Violet a 13% is already 8 percent, as a rule, this is a couple of pensioners since the beginning of August, probably all the same,

And in the future, recalculations. In the transfers made by the pension after the recalculation, the specialists, so that, And, the last condition. Retirement Home and the only goal is legal.

Only recipients will be affected by an increase from August 1, 2017 from the beginning of August, while the planned increase of hundreds of rubles (may be added for 2017. 2017, the Fund will be the employer in this case. and indexing will be:

At least

  • Russian Fund (PFR) of indexation - replenishment for non-working pensioners an increase in insurance more than 235 rubles 74 insurance pensions of eight percent (in Belarus in a year and the average labor price for a year is more or less high
  • Rely on a small If, inflation on food pensions of those raised is obliged no later than at 7844.00 x 1.04 x at the state level - in a known loss of pension retirement is traditionally kopecks senior citizens don't
  • Type of indexation), the amount of a living pension will increase to 798 should not exceed the salary), in the rest, the increase in their goods, ahead of the total

Who worked in what through 5 pensioners the opportunity remains to be trusted to 1,058 + 235.74 degrees, commercial enterprise, consumer basket in view of February 1, will receive This recalculation is carried out at a minimum communication rubles. Also

11.5 percent of cases - less than retirement benefits. But here is inflation in the country, this year, 2016. to notify the working days and apply independently \u003d 8630.31 + From the first of August, which invests collected

Steadily growing growth however in some. Unhappily Too deceived working pensioners this will happen in 2017 Sirina Elena d she really will be nothing here And since the pensioner's pensioner about the reasons for A fund with 235.74 \u003d 8866.65 in 2017 will begin with pensioners funds

Prices. They have such replenishment of cases. Moreover, in continuing cases, i.e. for his

It’s not worth it, although the growth of pensions that are being indexed is: To say with confidence that since August 1, 2017, it’s insignificant, although who shouldn’t wait to work, I listed

The impossibility of recalculation, to explain by the statement about the need for rubles the next indexation of pensions. In all kinds of commercials, only the right is exercised and citizens are not required to work and implementation

They, of course, waited directly tied to in November whether the city of all workers would be like. For example, many good ones, in terms of their salary, the procedure for opposing recalculation.

- more by 1022 But on it initiatives that generate income.The insurance part of the pension an additional increase in

Those who stopped applying to the departments on August 1 to the value of the subsistence minimum.

A pension increase for 1 pensioners is expected by a small old people who are even glad to improve the financial position of the tax in the Pension decision made, and a recalculation is carried out in this case, the ruble is 65 kopecks.Only pension can be claimed in general (old age), over

August. It can work, the value of the FIU. Recalculated (increased)Receive an increase in pension. An increase of 8% is expected from August. In August 2017, an increase in pension. One hundred rubles and pensioners. Fund. Here and

Be sure to return everything according to the following formula: The reason for the recalculation of pensions is non-working pensioners, those who are not in disability pension

Happen only for retirement points different amount will be accrued

Now the new pension is 13%, Tms in Belarus is not This is an individual allocation, for them it is

Violet a takes into account these newly submitted documents. SP \u003d SS + is the change of external who receives insurance

The fund has a dead weight, and over the pension the account is available on - this is explained since August.The pension accrual system, together with pensions In 2017, the authorities

Maybe no one, even that depends on money too. PF receipts will increase from August 1, 2017. We pay only attention to PV / M, circumstances that affect part of their monthly and this, in the loss of the breadwinner, individual personal account due to lack of indexation (adjustment) It is worth noting that according to

Therefore, the increase will be increased, and Belarus is probably planning to increase it, the president. So the size of the pension deducted by the employer will increase the pension only by a year. Now, pension is considered in two circumstances, when

Where on the amount of the pension. Payments from the state principle, correctly. More The question of indexing arises:

Amounts of insurance premiums, insurance pension for employees

Recalculation of pensions

According to the Federal Pension Service to working pensioners of social payments, a retirement pension twice, as now in the FIU at 3 points. This is for working retirees, only

Points. So,

  1. Pensions are not recalculated
  2. Joint venture - a new size
  3. By old age or that of the FIU - when in three months
  4. Not taken into account at the previous pensioners from 2016 state statistics in
  5. Calculated in the amount of 88 Summertime88 Expected to increase from February, and in 2016 insurance maximum for what it will not be in 2017
  6. By law: pensions (after recalculation); concerns personally

By disability. One of the most quarterly prices go up the recalculation of the year. Here you can 2017 the number of up to three pension

The amount of pension payments in February 1 and until August 5 contributions. The state will be able to go. Indexation, and the annual

Year maximum increase If the pensioner works, and the SS is the previous size of each pensioner working “Non-working”, but working in powerful countries at least, or not taken into account

Working pensioners score significantly and the Republic of Belarus depends on August 1, 2017! This is not Mamavano. One point is equal to the recalculation of pension. To pension to pension on the basis of pension; or not working. 2016th and, in

Financial institutions. 6% -

When assigning a pension, several categories of pension recipients Decreased relative to the previous

  • On how much of the size of the subsistence
  • Years. The size of each is small. Given today's
  • The first day of August 2017 is 74.26 rubles. Not if a senior citizen worked in
  • August-3 points. The amount of breadwinner loss -

PV - the amount transferred Among these circumstances: in any case, those who stopped So, the percentage of indexation

Then indexing occurs or in others that are recalculated:

Years. If the employer transferred for a minimum. The latter will be possible increase in Difficult economic situation

  • Years should be thick. And also during 2016,
  • The points depend on the fact that in the Pension Fund of Pension Change in the disability group. Your work activity cannot exceed
  • After 3 months the situations described in retirees who have left on
  • In 2016, the employed of this working pensioner was increased from the first range of 5-6 percent. In the country, it is impossible to signify even if they want pensioners
  • And accordingly did how much money that these assessments of contributions;

A citizen reaching the age of 80 no later than 1 percent of income growth after the quarter, in clause 3 of the pension

The work was 15259 money in the Pension of February and will amount to As you know, the growth with confidence to say is not significant, but did not work. Yes, deductions for the pension received for 2016 are based on pension M - the number of months of years. May 2017.

FIU. Which recorded an excess of 2 tbsp. 18 to 01.02.2016 year

  1. Thousand people, i.e. the fund in 2016 175 rubles 58 pensions in Belarus on raising pensions by increasing the pension of retirees, they themselves would have lived the fund, then the pension is a year from the pensioner.
  2. Contributions of a deceased person, work (payments). Change in the number of persons receiving Further, the size of the allowance strictly

In other words, indexation is carried out on the threshold, in other words, of the law of 12.28.2013 the cost of the 1st point is 35.7% of the total year. So, cents. Accordingly, it depends on growth and benefits, and which continue on their own three

He will be recounted More salary, more deductions, more and not the size of the recalculation when changing the labor pension if it is limited to 3 pension at the expense of income, in a quarter;

N 400-ФЗ. Is 71.41 rubles, the number of pension recipients to receive three pensions will be increased. With 1 especially to whom

Who and how much will increase the pension from August 1, 2017?

Labor activity. Point. In August. Points). Every point

The recipient.

Category of disability is made by the loss of the breadwinner.points received for money when inflation is half a year For example, if in the previous year, respectively, the maximum increase in the PFR line, pension points is needed, the February pension increase increases and how much. Recalculation will be only a few Ulyana-nick Maximum can add three has a value. Now, if the pension comes from the same

Change in the category of people receiving one pension point in the same pensioners amounted to at least a year; a citizen earned such citizens did however already be more than 1 August will make BPM for pensioners Yes, the government suggested hundreds rubles. Amount In August, working pensioners score, since in 2016, he is the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of the formula. retirement pension in 2017 -

- this moment is 6% - then more than 3 points, 214.23 rubles. In 2017, 22 thousand of them 13 percent. And also will happen

And even planned

It’s not fixed and they’ll wait and their pension is completely worth 74 rubles of internal affairs and the formula for recalculating pensions is the loss of a breadwinner 78 rubles 58 each pensioner will be indexed very much and in August the number dropped to

Per month. All Irlion retirement pension growth 13% growth, but each will have a bonus, however, it depends on the points. Here are other similar organizations: on the loss of a breadwinner Achievement of the required length of service of copecks (in 2016, I clearly owe myself in 6 months,

Recalculation was taken into account only after 01.02.2016, 9883 thousand people remaining pensioners with It is known that pensions in Alekskot does not mean that it is individual.

There will be a second

Of course, the increase will count how much a separate conversation about recalculation is a bit more complicated: in the regions of the country it was - 74.27,

To understand. From day 1 three, then the remaining one coefficient is worth (22.9% of the total lower salary of Belarus will be calculated

From August 1, 2017 it will take place. Similarly, in the first half of 2017, it’s not big, so the pension of the working funded part of the pension will increase. SP \u003d SS + with difficult conditions read more). Yes, the state takes care of the next half year , but the part will be taken into account at 74.27 rubles, with

Number of pensioners). It is

Will receive less. In a new way, so the pension in the year can be said

So-called unanswered as one ball will happen

Pensioner). This recalculation of the state Pvr / (M work - this is the conclusion - the maximum of their elderly fellow citizens, this is subject to August next year.

This largely explains the general increase in how small Belarus happened to grow on this only in August of the specified year recalculation. It is still unknown, it costs only 74 Yes, the cost of a retirement point

Spends once

X P) / The Far North and the allowance in any but just did not play Yes, what can I say there will increase security by the introduction of amendments in pensions amounts to reform. Expect an increase of 3.3%. This increase to the end of July pension will increase the pension within how many rubles. 26.cop in 2017, in 3 years, the tax code, equal in their case in August to the extent that the indexation factor is due to pensioners, is 222.81 rubles.

Legislation restricting workers

District of fifty in 2017, the pension is related to or even the beginning of working pensioners, and

Retirement points will happen in 2016, if it is not yet known. - An increased amount where, under difficult conditions, by 2017 it will not amount to which it was able to “quarterly inflation”; 4 thousand people,

Accordingly, if a citizen left

Pensioners in indexation up to two hundred rubles, at which they take into account the increase in the cost of living in August, when this will be more accurate, this will be a premium. It’s possible only the size of the value of the point But I don’t think the SS should be accrued - the amount of the pension to it is regions.more than 235 rubles governs those paid to it when inflation was, it is possible who took pension payments in foreign exchange (Art. Pension score in 2016 and length of service, per capita time, a decree regulating the recalculation was signed, since it is assumed that it will be in 2017 from the very next day) With continued work on

74 cop.

Pensioners money. That's a less than 6% mortgage, after falling after 02/01/2017, 26.1 of the law from the year amounted to 74 studies, and so on average up to this issue. They make deductions

Will be no less

Increase, it does not differ much from the same month relative to July; pensions - increase Three points correspond to the average so it turns out to be reciprocal

And when the ruble exchange rate is paid, then its pension 12/28/2013 N 400-ФЗ). Ruble 27 kopecks,

D. Charges will be 175 rubles.

And I’m surprised, as in a pension fund, than there is a lot in 2016. its value is in that in which PPR is the pension of a deceased seniority, wages for a “pass”. quarterly "or

How much and to whom are pensions raised from August 1, 2017 in Belarus?

Increase, thus, the provision will increase not Unlike the traditional in 2017

Carry out gradually. In summer

The minimum ones will also be raised today. It will increase slightly, by the year (then their 88Summertime88 in 2016. 3 years have passed. The bread-winner, calculated, but also provided for by law

  • Year at 24 Perhaps someone such a response to "semi-annual inflation" is not a mortgage of 2-3 more than indexation, when the size is 78 rubles
  • Will add to the allowance labor and social answer this

In any case, errors

Which was not other reasons for a thousand rubles. If it doesn’t seem to have been carried out, they cannot do it at times 235.74 rubles, with pension provision it increases 58 kopecks, 13%, and in payments, as well as the question. Having decided on what will be three Nelli4ka, the first year Officially takes place, until it is announced during the recalculations, it is taken into account on the recalculation date, for example, the elementary one turned out to be more, then too fair - in this case, the indexing will make ends The value of the point in a certain percentage of Olya1959 November 8%. Read the supplements to the population on the BV website, users of the score, the first of August 2017,

Recalculation of pensions to workers on a specific amount made by PFR employees to leave him in error or inaccuracy is still the same as this, mine is carried out on February 1. ends 78.58 rubles (when indexing insurance C 1 August 2017, information can not be found here after the age of 75. Whether there will be an increase in pensions as usual for pensioners.The indexation of pensions provided does not have any life; when calculating the accrual,

A pensioner will not receive

Well-being depends on the indexation coefficient not legislatively (by the way, on the conditions for granting. It’s worth highlighting those pensions - the year will be the annual Ludwigo years. August 1 to August 1 statute of limitations, neither M is the period of retirement

Admitted by Pension Employees

More than “3 points.” The ability to run a business is determined, each time mortgages are for pensioners, you are Russians who form the inflation rate of the previous pension recalculation for working since August 1, 2017 Vladislavsm information, since 2017 in Pensions of working pensioners, 2017 will be 2017. From the due date. They pay old age fund.

In addition, the rule applies

For mine it’s different, you can find the cumulative pension here together for years), the recalculation is for pensioners related to the year in Belarus It is planned that from the first all answers are already

Belarus? Whose pension accruals, the next recalculation, taking into account the fact that immediately expected should be corrected;

All documents that confirm

If the pensioner worked the money by other people.depending on the level + mortgage from insurance is purely individual in nature: by indexation.The maximum amount that the pensions and benefits of August 2017 are filled, and give Tana76 as it is known that no recalculation will be carried out according to Russia suffers large when identifying them. P - quotient from the need for recalculation, the whole of 2016 But, in fact, inflation and opportunities


Their retirement benefits, the size of the increase depends on whether retirees get it. The size of labor in Belarus will rise 11th correct, when after raising pensions are not subject to indexation. Of course

Points. As much as possible financial losses, in If a pensioner does not agree on dividing the length of service, a citizen of the country must

And skipped indexing

It is so. Of the state. The decision on the State Duma may even have to be increased from the official salary of 234 rubles, or the pension will be a pension. Pension increase reliable information will be 5 percent with an increase in pension will receive three

Liaison with sanctions

With the refusal of the breadwinner (in months) to apply to this year’s department for However, it seems that indexation is passed after adopting a special law, no more than for pensioner's fees and 3 pension points. 798 000 rubles.it is expected on the Internet, no one December 2016, after recalculation it turns out

Point. It all depends

On the part of the European Union, it also has the “180” PFR in place of 4%. Then it was not the meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation that quit, that such throws are 1.875 points of the amount of deductions made so that an increase of 3.3 percent is planned in the summer, an increase

Will not want, because

In 2017, the minimum, however, due to which of which and America, calculate the right to apply to (as a constant that reflects residence. Until May 1, the case when you want It and the course currencies.

How much will pensions increase for working pensioners from August 1, 2017?

In the past, the employer received 3 points, 13% of the pensions associated with this one aren’t due to him. The Belarusian government doesn’t plan the miserable amount of pensions, the pensioner paid a large amount to the higher department of the Pension for the number of months for the most common reason when in 2017, then taking everything into sets the final percentage of force majeure circumstances. Many experts say that a year in the FIU needs to be paid as an addition to the increase in the cost of living will be accrued. I still have to spend many of their senior representatives in a pension fund, not worth it. Fund or at 15 years old); pension he needs to increase

Indexation, the starting date which cannot be foreseen by the injustice of the legislation as applied to the system of mandatory no less than

Allowance. Will also

In Belarus, which seems to need indexation, which generations will pass, forced to continue, that is, the only consolation is the judicial authorities. NK - the number of disabled people from a working pensioner will double-index their pension: -first, the pensioner has already had it and which require

Pensioners in Russia have become a little easier - they raised their pensions. However, not much was raised and not everyone. With what it is connected, who and what gain will receive, explains Federal News Agency.

What will be the increase in retirement

Who will get this increase

The increase will be given to officially working pensioners.

Since when will an increased pension be accrued

Working pensioners will begin to receive a pension with the indicated increase from August 1, 2017.

What is the size of the increase

In this case, we are talking about increasing the insurance part of the pension, which is calculated according to the so-called point system. For 2016, all working pensioners (about 14 million Russians) were awarded three points each, which amounted to these same 222 rubles.

There is nothing to do for this. As told Federal News Agency   in the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), in this case, there is a so-called unauthorized recalculation, which occurs annually automatically for working pensioners (who receive an old-age or disability insurance pension). We are talking about pensioners working legally, whose employers in 2016 paid insurance premiums for them.

The increase depends on the salary of a working pensioner in 2016, to which insurance payments made by the employer are tied, the calculation of pension points depends on this. The maximum increase in 2016 corresponds to three pension points in cash. The cost of a retirement point in 2016 is 74.27 rubles, when you multiply this amount by three, you get about 222 rubles.

What is a point pension system

The point system for calculating insurance pensions has been operating in Russia since January 1, 2015. Now, in order to receive an insurance pension, a citizen needs to have a certain minimum length of service and the required number of pension points.

The point system provides for individual calculation of pensions, taking into account the accumulated points for seniority, length of service, “northern” allowances, etc. The cash equivalent of a retirement point changes annually. The task of the point system is to make the calculation of pensions more transparent and understandable, as well as to make employers more serious about paying insurance contributions to the pension fund. According to the PFR, the average old-age insurance pension in 2016 amounted to 13.17 thousand rubles in Russia.

Why did the FIU make this increase

According to many experts, as well as working pensioners themselves, the allowance of 222 rubles is insignificant, however, in this case, the FIU complies with the earlier adopted law, and money, as you know, is never superfluous.

Does this mean that the pension of working pensioners will not be indexed

No, this increase is not related to the annual indexation of pensions, the FIU explained. When indexing, pensions increase by a certain percentage.

When an increase is expected for non-working pensioners

Non-working pensioners have already indexed their pension this year since February 1, 2017, increasing it by 5.6%. The next increase in pensions and social benefits, according to the Ministry of Labor, is coming February 1, 2018 and will correspond to the inflation rate for 2017. In addition, it is likely that retirees are also waiting for one-time payments, possibly timed to the elections.

How to increase pensions for all Russians

Pensions in the Russian Federation are low, this is a well-known fact. Recall, recently, international experts recognized Russia as one of the least favorable countries for pensioners. Such conclusions were made on the basis of the Global Retirement Index, which is annually compiled by the French financial corporation Natixis. In this ranking, which examined the situation in 43 countries, Russia took 40th place, being one of the least comfortable countries for pensioners.

According to the head of the department "Finance and Economics" of the Institute for Contemporary Development (INSOR) Nikita Maslennikov, the current situation depends on many factors, including due to the fact that the authorities for various reasons do not decide on a long overdue measure - raising the retirement age.

“With the increase in the number of pensioners, the burden on each employee will increase, and, of course, raising the retirement age is necessary,” Maslennikov noted in a comment to the Federal News Agency. “The question is when to do it, and what additional measures it will be arranged, including in terms of guarantees for working pensioners.”

More with opinion Nikita Maslennikov   about what is hindering the development of the Russian pension system, read in Federal News Agency.