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How to get rid of blackheads on the nose. Black dots on the nose - comedones and acne: causes and methods of elimination


Blackheads, or comedones, appear in people with oily skin types; due to excessive secretions of the sebaceous glands, pores become clogged, in which residues of dust, powder, foundation, etc. also accumulate. Pesky comedones cannot be masked, they are difficult to get rid of, and squeezing only leads to pain, redness and irritation. How to remove blackheads on the nose without harming the skin?

Why do blackheads appear?

To find out how to get rid of such an ailment, first find out the cause of its occurrence; it is not always associated with improper hygiene.

Comedones occur for 4 reasons:

  1. Poor nutrition, which affects metabolism and affects the skin of the face.
  2. Incorrect skin care. A person suffering from comedones takes care of his face, cleanses, and purchases cosmetics, but they may simply not suit his skin type.
  3. Hormonal imbalances are another cause of many skin problems.
  4. Gastrointestinal diseases require treatment, otherwise getting rid of blackheads will only give a temporary effect.

Basic rules of wrestling

The main mistake of those who decide to learn how to get rid of blackheads at home is to immediately use cosmetic and therapeutic products: lotions, scrubs, masks, etc. Usually this does not give results, because the cause of the appearance of comedones has not been eliminated or the basic rules that are associated with changes in lifestyle and nutrition are not followed.

To make blackheads disappear and not appear again, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Eat right. Food should be healthy, with vitamins and nutrients, without harmful additives and hot seasonings.
  2. Sleep at least 8 hours. This will help avoid stress caused by lack of sleep, which often causes pimples and blackheads.
  3. Cleanse your skin regularly and use less foundation. To do this, you can purchase products at the pharmacy or prepare them yourself.
  4. Drink about 1.5 liters of any liquid per day to cleanse your body of toxins and waste.

Many people who ask the question of how to remove blackheads on the nose quickly do not realize that all methods involve long-term treatment. The only quick method is extrusion, which has been practiced since ancient times. To avoid damaging the skin, first steam it over hot water with chamomile for 20 minutes, and then squeeze out the blackheads, but the effect of this procedure will not last long; comedones will appear in a few days.

In order not to harm the skin, it is better to use natural folk remedies; they will cleanse the skin, rid the pores of dirt and bacteria, open and narrow them, and control the production of sebum.

Recipes for folk remedies for cleansing pores

The first thing you need to do is cleanse your pores regularly. To do this, you can buy special products in stores and pharmacies, but it is better to prepare them yourself from natural ingredients.

  1. Honey, oatmeal and sea salt. Mix honey and oatmeal, add sea salt, you will get a thick porridge, apply it to the skin where there are blackheads and massage for several minutes.
  2. Soda and water. Baking soda can help you forget about blackheads, but use it carefully, otherwise you can dry out your skin. Combine 3 teaspoons of soda with one spoon of water, mix, you get a thick white mass, apply it for a minute.
  3. Lemon juice. It can get rid of almost all acne and blemishes on the skin; it is applied only after adding water in a 1:1 ratio, left for 20 minutes and washed off with cold water.
  4. Garlic and onion. A mixture of these two vegetables will help effectively clear away dirt and bacteria from your pores. Mix the juices in equal proportions, apply to the skin with comedones for 15 minutes and rinse.
  5. Gelatin and milk. You can remove blackheads on your nose with the help of gelatin if you mix these two products in equal quantities, put the mixture on the fire and heat until it becomes thick like sour cream. The warm mixture is placed on the problem area for 15 minutes, when it hardens and turns into a film, it must be removed with a sharp movement.
  6. Green tea and vitamin E. Brew tea, mix with vitamin E and freeze to form ice cubes. Wipe your nose or entire face with it every morning to look alert and fresh.
  7. Orange zest. To prepare a scrub with zest, first dry it, then grate it and add it to the cream, beat the mass until it looks like cream. Apply the scrub to your face and massage for 10 minutes.

To forget about blackheads, comprehensive treatment is necessary. Firstly, identify the cause of its appearance and eliminate it, secondly, follow the general rules, that is, eat natural and healthy foods, get enough sleep, drink enough fluids, thirdly, take care of your skin and use special products.

Blackheads on the nose occur as a result of clogged sebaceous glands. The shade is caused by the oxidation of contaminants under the influence of oxygen.

Formations appear in people with oily skin and teenagers. But often blackheads become the result of insufficient moisture of the skin. To cleanse pores, various procedures are provided, which are performed both in specialized salons and at home.

Why is there a problem?

To effectively combat the problem, it is important to know why blackheads appear. The main factor that provokes their formation is clogging of skin pores. The skin breathes through the sebaceous ducts. Therefore, when dirt and dead cells get into them, the process is disrupted.

The most oily area of ​​the skin is the nasal area. Therefore, many people often find their entire nose covered in black dots. This area needs to be given special attention when cleansing. Impurities are the result of clogged sebaceous ducts.

The main causes of skin problems are identified:

  • Insufficient hygiene can provoke the appearance of blackheads. If the skin is not cleansed in the morning and evening, the sebaceous ducts begin to become more clogged.
  • Changes are noted in people who eat improperly. This especially applies to the consumption of fatty and sweet foods, coffee, alcohol, as well as dry food.
  • Many blackheads in the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin appear when the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. As a result, metabolic processes occur incorrectly, which affects the condition of the skin.
  • Low-quality and expired cosmetic products can disrupt the balance of the epidermal layer.
  • Large black dots can be observed with hormonal changes in the body. This happens especially often during puberty and pregnancy.

Garnier products have been used to treat skin problems for many decades.

How to get rid of black dots?

No special treatment is required when skin contaminants appear. Dealing with them is not difficult if a competent elimination plan is drawn up. It is important to exclude the main cause of their appearance.

It is necessary to follow certain rules that will help keep your skin clean:

  • normalize nutrition (remove unhealthy foods and replace them with healthy foods);
  • cleanse the skin with high-quality cosmetics;
  • cure chronic diseases;
  • eliminate bad habits.

Skin care products

Two lines of products are widely used and are prescribed to patients with blackheads. One of them is the American brand Klerasil. If you regularly use each product, you can evaluate its effectiveness after 5 days. Under the influence of active substances, the upper layers of the skin are cleansed, from where the destroyed pathogenic microflora emerges. The micro-wounds that appear heal quickly.

You can remove deep impurities using a scrub from Garnier. It not only opens clogged pores, but also reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. The result is a preventative effect. Next, the skin is wiped with a tonic with salicylic acid and zinc, which regulate sebum production and tighten pores.

You can squeeze out comedones only after preliminary cleansing.

In cosmetology, there are other remedies for blackheads on the nose.

  • Skinoren with azelaic acid in its composition slows down cell division and eliminates pathogenic microflora.
  • Zenerite affects tissues due to erythromycin and zinc. They have an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, with the help of the product you can treat both comedones and acne.
  • The drug Baziron eliminates the activity of harmful microorganisms and dissolves dead cells in the pores.
  • You can eliminate existing blackheads and prevent the appearance of new ones with the help of Differin.

To choose the best cleansing option, you need to consult a dermatologist. The product is determined taking into account the skin type and the degree of pore clogging.


Recently, patches against blackheads have become especially popular. They are glued to the nose and then come off along with the contents of the pores. The products contain coal and clay, which dissolve and remove impurities. Additionally, the products are enriched with astringent, antibacterial and matting components.

The patch should be applied to steamed skin. In this case, contaminants are more easily removed from clogged ducts. The most common brands of such products are:

  • Lioele;
  • Nivea;
  • Skinlight;
  • Propeller.

Additionally, with these products you can use products containing fruit acids. They help dissolve comedones and cleanse pores.

You can use special patches for cleansing.

Cleaning pores at home

Pore ​​cleansing can be done at home. You must first prepare the skin for the procedure. To do this, steaming is performed using decoctions:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • calendula;
  • oak bark;
  • St. John's wort.

When choosing an herbal mixture, you need to focus on your skin type. For dry, it is recommended to add wormwood and yarrow to the decoction. Chamomile and horsetail are suitable for oily people.

To prepare a steam bath, you need to pour 60 grams of herb into a pan and add water. After boiling, the composition is removed from the stove and left for 10 minutes. You can add 2-3 drops of lemon or eucalyptus oils to it.

You need to bend over the pan at a distance of 30 cm, covering your head with a towel. If a person has dry skin, the procedure is carried out for five minutes. For oily types, you can increase the duration to 15 minutes. During steaming, the pores open and sebaceous plugs soften.

Soda mask effectively removes impurities

Hot compresses have a similar effect. A piece of gauze is soaked in the broth and applied to the face in several approaches.

After steaming, dirt can be removed. Squeezing is carried out with clean hands, pre-treated with an antiseptic.

Sometimes a woman who has squeezed out a blackhead discovers an inflamed mark on her skin. It becomes vulnerable to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, after the procedure, you need to wipe the treated area with a disinfectant composition.

You can use egg whites to prepare a film mask to cleanse pores.


You can remove blackheads on your nose using special masks. The procedures must be performed twice a week. On the Internet you can find various videos that describe cooking recipes.

  • A film mask with egg white is considered effective. It must be whipped into a stiff foam and applied to the wings of the nose. The top of the treated area is covered with a paper napkin. Next, another layer of the composition is applied. After drying, the mask is removed with a sharp movement.
  • You can prepare a composition with activated carbon (1 tablet), milk (a tablespoon) and gelatin (a teaspoon) in the composition. The components are mixed and heated in a microwave oven. The composition is applied to the nose for half an hour. The mask must be removed with a sharp movement.
  • It is recommended to apply a clay mask to your nose. You need to leave it on for five minutes if your skin is dry, and for 15 minutes if you have oily skin. After this, the product is washed off with warm water.
  • A scrub mask containing baking soda is considered effective. Three parts of the substance are mixed with part of water. The affected areas are washed with the composition for three minutes. After this, the product should be left on the skin for a while and then washed off.
  • At home, you can prepare peeling from oatmeal. They need to be diluted with milk. The mask is applied to the nose area for 15 minutes. After this, the composition is washed off with water.
  • Lemon juice mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 fights pollution. Apply it to the nose for 15 minutes. If you are not allergic, you can add honey to the mixture.
  • A useful mixture is lavender oil (4 drops), lemon juice (1/2 cup), oatmeal (100 g), butter (teaspoon) and salt (teaspoon). The mask is applied to the face until dry.
  • You can remove comedones with a mask that is applied before bed. It contains turmeric (a teaspoon) and coriander leaf juice. In the morning, the mixture is washed off with warm water.

Natural ingredients help fight the problem

Cosmetic procedures

You can remove blackheads in beauty salons. Most often, experts recommend mechanical cleaning.

During the procedure, comedones are eliminated by squeezing. The cosmetologist must maintain sterility to prevent infection. This removal option is painful but effective. The results last for six to eight weeks. Then the cleaning is repeated again.

You can also deal with contamination using other methods.

  • When vacuum cleaning, a special device is used. A tube is applied to the affected area, into which dirt is sucked out using low pressure.
  • During dry cleaning, exposure is caused by fruit acids. They expand the pores and promote the release of contents.
  • Contaminants can be destroyed using ultrasound.

It is important to carry out preventive procedures to cleanse the skin

To prevent the appearance of blackheads on the nose, you must follow basic preventive rules.

  • It is imperative to normalize your diet by eliminating unhealthy fatty and heavy foods. It is necessary to enrich it with fruits and vegetables.
  • It is useful to do physical exercise for half an hour a week. This will normalize hormonal levels.
  • You should not use soap to cleanse your skin. It is better to wash with mineral or boiled water.
  • It is important to follow the rules when squeezing out blackheads yourself. Otherwise, scars and inflammation may appear.
  • To treat the surface of the skin, you need to use gentle, high-quality cosmetics.
  • It is imperative to normalize the drinking regime. It is recommended to drink about two liters of water per day.
  • Before going to bed, you need to wash off makeup and dirt from your skin.

Comedones can appear in anyone. Therefore, special attention is paid to skin cleansing and hygiene. If you can’t carry out the procedures yourself, you can turn to professional cosmetologists.

On the nose, they are also open comedones, which are formed due to clogging of the pores with a mixture of sebum and dead skin cells. It is difficult not to notice them - they are dense tubercles with a dark top. Most often they appear on oily skin, which is characterized by enlarged pores and increased sebum production.

There are quite a few reasons for the occurrence of comedones. Here are some of them.

Skin sensitivity to hormones

During puberty, pregnancy or menopause, hormonal fluctuations cause sebum production to increase, leading to the appearance of blackheads.

Causes of blackheads include hormone sensitivity and poor skin care © iStock

Poor nutrition

As practice shows, abuse of sweets, fried and fatty foods, carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol provokes increased activity of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, the formation of open comedones.

This fact has not yet been scientifically substantiated, but if your skin is prone to inflammation and the appearance of blackheads, dermatologists strongly recommend carefully monitoring what you eat.

Habit of touching your face throughout the day

Often we don’t even realize how often we touch our cheeks, scratch our nose and scratch our chin. And in most cases, our hands are far from clean. As a result, the skin's protective barrier is damaged, its immunity is reduced, which provokes clogged pores, inflammation and acne.

Diseases of internal organs

Quite often, blackheads and acne occur in people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, and respiratory tract. The latter, however, has not been scientifically confirmed, but some dermatologists make a connection between skin problems and frequent sore throats. In any case, consulting a specialist will not be superfluous.

Unsuitable skin care products

This is an extremely common cause of blackheads, even on normal skin. And all because many of us still have not made it a rule to carefully read the information on the labels of cosmetics. If you are prone to comedones, you should avoid components such as mineral oils, talc, and silicones.

Irregular cleansing

You can forget the horror stories that foundation, powder and concealer clog pores - modern non-comedogenic products are so light and comfortable that using them is a pleasure. But if you forget to regularly cleanse your skin before going to bed, then you definitely cannot avoid blackheads on your nose.

Neglecting exfoliation

Some girls believe that exfoliants and scrubs harm the skin. Sensitive - yes. Prone to fat - no. On the contrary, for blackheads, regular exfoliation is the number one recommendation. Exfoliation will remove dead epidermal cells that prevent sebum from coming out and prevent clogging of pores. As a result, it will remove blackheads on the nose quickly and effectively.

Ways to deal with blackheads on the nose

How can you remove blackheads on your nose? You can get rid of them using different methods:

    using special cosmetics;

    during cosmetic procedures;

    adhering to preventive measures.

Traditional methods against blackheads on the nose

The simplest and most “effective” way to get rid of blackheads on the nose is to simply squeeze them out. Why you shouldn't do this yourself:

  1. 1

    You can injure tissues and blood vessels, so that a red spot appears in place of the acne, which is not decorative at all, and takes a long time to heal.

At home, exfoliate your skin with coffee and sugar © Getty Images

Other, less radical folk methods include:

    Homemade scrubs based on sugar, salt and coffee. They have a right to exist, but in terms of effectiveness they are very far from ready-made remedies.

    Clay based masks. They were good before the market was flooded with ready-made clay masks with various additives that cleanse the pores without drying out the skin to the “Sahara Desert” state.

    Tonics and lotions with lemon and cucumber water. These mixtures from our grandmothers' recipe book really work well on oily skin: they have a brightening, exfoliating, astringent and refreshing effect. But they are unlikely to be comparable in effectiveness to ready-made formulas based on acids -,.

The conclusion is this: we say “no” to amateur activities and trust skin care to professionals.

How to clear blackheads from your nose using cosmetic methods

As we have already said, if blackheads are removed incorrectly, inflammation can easily develop. This is why it is worth visiting a cosmetologist, especially since salons and clinics offer many effective procedures.

    Mechanical cleaning

    The pores are cleaned using a special uno spoon. First, the cosmetologist removes makeup, then uses a vaporizer to steam the skin, and then begins the cleansing procedure. It is believed that this is one of the most effective methods, although it is quite traumatic for the skin.

    Vacuum cleaning

    After preliminary steaming the face, the cosmetologist uses a device with a vacuum attachment, which literally sucks out sebum and impurities from the pores.

    Atraumatic cleaning

    This is a manual way to cleanse pores. Unlike conventional mechanical cleansing, before the session begins, various cosmetic compositions are sequentially applied to the face, which soften the skin and help the pores open so that impurities can be painlessly removed from them. This method is suitable for people with sensitive skin and a low pain threshold.

    Ultrasonic cleaning

    The most effective and comfortable procedure. It is performed using a special spatula, which removes contaminants from the pores under the influence of high-frequency ultrasonic waves.

In a beauty salon, facial cleansing can get rid of blackheads © iStock

Precautions when cleaning blackheads

Deep cleaning is an extremely effective procedure, but in some cases it should be abandoned. Contraindications are listed below.

  1. 1

    Viral and infectious diseases.

  2. 2

    Skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema.

  3. 3

    Pathologies of the respiratory tract.

After the procedure, the skin requires restoration, so try to adjust your daily care.

Prevention of blackheads on the nose

Composition of cosmetics for the prevention of blackheads

Beauty products for preventing comedones usually include certain substances that contribute to:

    normalization of sebum secretion;

    exfoliation of dead cells;

    mattifying the skin;


Look for the following components.

Ingredients table

Remedies for blackheads on the nose

Many cosmetic products offer to cope with this task. Choose those that have cleansing and sebum-regulating properties and, of course, focus on your skin type.

Anti-blackhead remedies

Product name Rules of application Active Ingredients
Cleansing mattifying mousse Normaderm, Vichy Apply a little foam with massaging movements to damp skin, rinse with warm water. Apply morning and evening. salicylic acid
Herbal lotion for problem skin, Kiehl’s Apply to skin after cleansing before using your main skin care product. Avoid the eye area. camphor, menthol, sodium salt of pyroglutamic acid
Mask-scrub “Magic of clay. exfoliation and tightening of pores”, L’oreal Paris Apply to a previously cleansed, slightly damp face, do not allow the skin to dry out completely or tighten. Rinse off carefully with warm water. three types of clay: kaolin, gassoul, montmorillonite
Light moisturizing fluid with mattifying effect Daily Moisture, SkinCeuticals Apply over the serum to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. extracts of Brazilian seaweed, burnet, ginger, cinnamon; allantoin, panthenol
Pure Zone Daily Scrub “Absolutely Clean 7-in-1”, L’Oréal Paris Gently massage into damp skin as a cleanser, avoiding the eye area. Rinse off with warm water. salicylic acid, exfoliating microparticles

Blackheads on the nose, how to get rid of them. What to avoid. Products, recipes and reviews

If your sebaceous glands, for some reason, begin to work more intensely, then the skin may become shiny, oily and begin to become clogged with dirt.

There are many reasons why facial skin can become oilier, including genetics, hormonal imbalances, puberty, heavy moisturizers, and the use of harsh cleansers that force your sebaceous glands to work harder.

The T-zone is one of the oiliest parts of your face, so blackheads (and if left untreated, blackheads) tend to appear on the nose more often than other areas.

Large pores

Enlarged pores are both a cause and a consequence of acne.

People with naturally large pores are more likely to develop blackheads on their skin because oil accumulates more easily on their skin.

In addition, any appearance of acne causes the pores to expand, because acne, when inflamed, causes the pores to stretch.

Research shows that in young women, for example, large pores are most often caused by excess sebum production.

And in older women, the formation of enlarged pores is associated with age-related loss of collagen and elastin, which contribute to the narrowing of pores.

Poor hygiene habits

Blackheads on the nose are a mixture of oil and dirt stuck in the pores. If you don't cleanse your face regularly, the oiliness and bacteria on your face will aggravate the situation and lead to acne.

Washing your face too often or using harsh cleansers can also lead to blackheads. Over-washing removes the skin's natural protective oils, which in turn forces your sebaceous glands to produce more oil to compensate for the loss.

The ideal balance is to wash your face twice a day, using gentle cleansers containing natural ingredients such as honey.

Comedogenic cosmetics

Comedogenic ingredients block your pores. Using cosmetics with these ingredients will increase the likelihood of blackheads appearing on your nose.

Heavy makeup is a common source of comedogens. Frequently applying heavy foundation and foundation does not allow your pores to breathe and, over time, will lead to skin problems.

This can lead to a vicious cycle of wearing makeup to cover up your acne and then continuing to get acne because of that makeup.

Some of the more comedogenic ingredients include: laureth-4, coconut oil, lauric acid, soybean oil, and shark liver oil. Acne.org has a nearly comprehensive list of the most comedogenic ingredients in the products you buy.

The first thing that may arise when you see blackheads on your nose may be the desire to squeeze out these blackheads as quickly as possible. I agree, it's very tempting BUT... it can really irritate the skin and leave scars. You don't need it.

Luckily for you, I'll show you 9 ways to get rid of blackheads on your nose quickly and easily.

Next time you feel like popping those blackheads, try this instead:


Scrubs are incredibly effective at removing blackheads and other impurities from the skin of the nose and cheeks. They draw out oils, dust particles and dead cells accumulated in your pores.

You can follow simple scrub recipes to make at home that will free your nose from those blackheads.

Baking soda

The baking soda we use in cooking has cleansing properties that can remove all the debris from the depths of your pores. Its sandy texture exfoliates dead cells and removes oil plugs found on the skin of your nose.


  • ½ teaspoon baking soda

  • A few drops of water


  • Mix a few drops of water with baking soda until you achieve a sandy consistency. Be careful, too much water will dissolve the baking soda, and too little will make it difficult to stir. You want a grainy consistency that you can apply freely to the surface of the skin.

  • Scrub the skin on your nose with this mixture in a circular motion for 30 to 60 seconds.

  • Leave the mixture on the skin for 5 minutes. If you start to experience a burning sensation, wash it off immediately. Baking soda can be abrasive on sensitive skin.

  • Wash your nose thoroughly. The blackheads should disappear or decrease in size.

  • Apply moisturizer.

Sugar-honey scrub

Honey is an excellent cleanser and antibacterial agent. The stickiness of this scrub will help draw out blackheads and dirt from the pores.

For best results, use manuka honey (tea tree honey). If you can't find Manuka, you can use any dark-colored honey (buckwheat, for example).


  • 1 teaspoon manuka or any other dark honey

  • 1 teaspoon brown or white sugar


  • Mix honey and sugar in a small container.

  • Apply the mixture to your nose and scrub your skin in circular motions for 1 minute.

  • Leave the mixture on for 5 minutes, this will allow the honey to deeply cleanse the pores.

  • Apply moisturizer.

Tea tree oil and jojoba oil, used for scrub

Tea tree oil has excellent antibacterial properties that help fight acne and kill bacteria in the most natural way.

Jojoba oil has a consistency very similar to your own sebum, this oil can help balance the composition of your natural skin oil. It's also non-comedogenic, so it really cleans out pores.

Tea tree oil cannot(!) be applied directly to the skin, because it ESSENTIAL OIL, which is why jojoba is used as a carrier.


  • 1 tablespoon white or brown sugar

  • 1 tablespoon jojoba oil

  • 1 drop of tea tree oil.


  • Combine sugar and oils in a small bowl. One drop of tea tree oil is enough for the volume we use.

  • Apply the mixture to your nose and scrub in circular motions for 1 minute.

  • Leave the mixture for 5 minutes; This will help the tea tree oil kill harmful bacteria more effectively.
  • Wash your nose thoroughly. The blackheads should decrease in size or disappear.

  • Apply moisturizer.

Toothbrush method

Using a toothbrush is a very affordable and effective way to gently wash your nose and remove pore debris and blackheads.

You need to dedicate a specific toothbrush exclusively to treating your nose. Important(!): do not store it next to the brushes you use to clean your teeth. Use only(!) soft brushes; brushes with medium hardness or hard ones can harm the skin of the nose. It would be better if it was a children's toothbrush.


  • ½ teaspoon jojoba oil or olive oil

  • 1 soft toothbrush


  • Soak the bristles of your toothbrush with oil.

  • Brush your nose gently in a circular motion for 1 minute.

  • Wash your nose thoroughly with warm water.

After each use, be sure to clean your toothbrush with soap and rinse with hydrogen peroxide to kill any remaining germs.


Face masks will not only help remove blackheads from your nose and face. They will remove excess oil from your skin, help reduce skin pores, and cleanse and gently exfoliate your entire face.

First, I’ll tell you about the most popular and one of the most effective methods for getting rid of blackheads on the nose.

Nose mask: egg white and napkin

Egg whites will tighten pores and draw out blackheads without drying out your skin. Plus, egg whites have enough nutrients to nourish your skin cells.


  • 1 egg white

  • 1 paper napkin


  • Whisk the egg white in a bowl until foamy.

  • Apply the first layer of egg white to the nose area.

  • Glue a strip of kitchen napkin there while the egg white is still liquid.

  • Add another layer of egg white on top of the napkin to secure it to your nose.

  • Let the egg white dry.

  • Once it is dry, carefully remove the napkin along with the egg white. You will see that all the black dots remain on the napkin.

  • Wash your skin thoroughly with warm water.

You can do this once a day for a week until your nose becomes clear.

Clay masks

Clay masks are by far some of the best natural cleansers you can find. They unclog your pores, absorb oil, and exfoliate.

The most popular types of clay today:

Kaolin clay- has neutral cleansing properties, works well with any skin type.

Bentonite clay, made from volcanic ash, and helps tighten facial skin.

Moroccan Rhassoul clay, deeply cleanses and antibacterial.

French green clay, is also antibacterial and improves blood circulation in the skin.


  • 1 tablespoon any type of clay of your choice

  • 1 tablespoon water or rose water.


  • Mix the clay with water until you get a homogeneous consistency without lumps.

  • Distribute the mixture over the skin of your nose.

  • Rinse off with warm water.

Do this mask twice a week for best results.

Oatmeal mask

Oatmeal is soothing, moisturizing and exfoliating. It will gently clean oil plugs in the skin pores, absorbing excess oil.


  • 1 tablespoon ground oat flour

  • 3 tablespoons water


  • Make a paste by mixing oatmeal and water until you get a smooth consistency.

  • Apply the paste to the area with blackheads.

  • Leave on skin for at least 20 minutes.

  • Rinse skin thoroughly with warm water.

Since the oatmeal mask is very gentle, you can do this mask daily for a week until your nose is free of blackheads.


Facial steam baths are a great way to dissolve blackheads and deeply cleanse your pores.

They soften blackheads well so that you can easily remove them using any of the above scrubs.

Steam bath with thyme and rosemary

Thyme has excellent antibacterial properties. Research shows that it is more effective in steam baths than in commercial creams.

Rosemary has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which also help fight acne-causing bacteria lodged in your pores.


  • 4 glasses of water

  • 5 drops thyme essential oil or a handful of fresh thyme.

  • 5 drops rosemary essential oil or a handful of fresh rosemary.


  • Add essential oils (or fresh herbs) to a bowl.

Do this procedure a maximum of 3 times a week.

Steam bath with lemongrass

Lemongrass, or lemongrass, has good antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that help destroy bacteria in the pores of the skin.

It tones and tightens the skin, which also helps keep your pores small and less prone to blackheads.


  • 4 glasses of water

  • 10 drops Lemongrass essential oil or 3 lemongrass tea bags.


  • Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil over medium heat.

  • Once it boils, pour it into a glass bowl.

  • Add essential oils (or herb sachets) to a bowl.

  • Tilt your head over the bowl so that the steam reaches your face, cover your head with a towel.

  • As soon as the water stops steaming, remove the bowl and wipe your face dry.

  • After this, you can exfoliate your face with your favorite scrub.

Do these steam baths no more than 3 times a week.

Blackheads on the nose are an annoying problem, but you can easily get rid of them at home using natural remedies.

The recipes for scrubs, face masks and steam baths listed in this article are great ways to quickly remove blackheads on the nose without causing unnecessary scarring on the skin and without the risk of inflammation.

Using natural remedies is a great way to keep your facial skin healthy. Since natural remedies often do not have side effects, unlike pharmaceutical preparations for the face. It is best to turn to them only when all these natural procedures do not bring the desired result.

Before heading to the pharmacy, try any of the above treatments and you will love your blackhead-free nose.

Blackheads on the nose are sebaceous blockages that, when oxidized by air, turn black and become noticeable on the skin. The appearance of blackheads is often associated with oily skin or age-related changes during adolescence. But excess oil production may be due to lack of hydration. It is important to regularly monitor the condition of the skin and carry out appropriate procedures to avoid contamination of the pores.

Reasons for appearance

To effectively deal with blackheads on the face and nose, you need to understand the causes of their occurrence. The most important factor contributing to their appearance is considered to be contamination of the skin pores (sebaceous ducts). Thanks to them, the skin breathes and when they become clogged, the process becomes more complicated.

Sebum is most secreted on the nose, forehead, and chin. These places become polluted faster than others.

Causes of blackheads on the nose:

  • Poor or irregular skin care. If the skin is not cleansed in the evening from impurities and in the morning before applying cosmetics, the sebaceous ducts become clogged.
  • Unbalanced diet and dry food. Fatty and sugary foods, coffee and alcohol contribute to the formation of blockages in the pores.
  • Problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract lead to disruption of metabolic processes, and as a result, the appearance of skin inflammation.
  • Cosmetics of inadequate quality that disrupt the natural balance of the epidermis.
  • Hormonal changes in the body that affect the condition of the skin.

Methods of treating the disease

Blackheads are not a death sentence; with the right approach, they can be effectively dealt with. First of all, the reason for their appearance must be excluded.

If you follow the sequence of actions, you can achieve the following results:

  • balance your diet;
  • regularly cleanse the skin with high-quality products;
  • monitor your health, at the first alarming symptoms, go to a specialist;
  • give up cigarettes and alcohol.


In most cases, products containing salicylic acid are recommended in the fight against blackheads.

  • Klerasil– it was invented in the USA more than 50 years ago. With regular use, the result will be noticeable within 4-5 days. The drug cleanses the upper layers of the skin, refreshes it and kills pathogenic microflora. Promotes wound healing.
  • Scrub Garnier– a delicate product that reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, protecting the skin from the appearance of comedones. The tonic from this series is also used against blackheads. In addition to salicylic acid, it contains zinc. With regular use of the product, sebum production is regulated and pores are narrowed.

Other effective remedies for blackheads:

  • – active ingredient azelaic acid. The drug slows down the process of cell division and inhibits bacteria that cause rashes.
  • – contains the antibiotic erythromycin and zinc. Effectively acts against inflammation, microbes, comedones.
  • – the active substance is benzoyl peroxide, which is converted to benzoic acid on the skin. The drug inactivates bacteria and dissolves dead skin cells.
  • with synthetic vitamin A (adapalene). It regulates the formation of blackheads and prevents their reappearance.

Attention! A consultation with a dermatologist is required to choose the appropriate remedy for blackheads.

Strips and patches

Today, special strips and patches are very common for removing blockages on the nose. They are glued to the problem area and then torn off. The effectiveness of these products is due to the presence of absorbents - coal and clay. Additionally, they contain astringent, antibacterial, and matting components. To facilitate the release of sebum from blockages, you can steam your face first.

Well-known strip manufacturers:

  • Lioele;
  • Cettua;
  • Nivea;
  • "Propeller";
  • Skinlite.

In combination with the listed products, you can use cosmetics containing fruit or AHA acids. They dissolve comedones, cleansing the pores. (We have an article about comedones).

The use of acids is preferable to scrubs and peels with abrasive substances. If you have acne, blackheads should be removed using more gentle means. Scrubs can damage the skin causing additional inflammation. (Read the article for more information about acne).

Folk remedies and recipes

If cosmetic preparations are not suitable for the skin, alternatives are products prepared at home from natural ingredients. Effective recipes for remedies and masks to get rid of blackheads at home:

  • Baking soda cleanses the skin of dead cells. Mix soda (3 parts) with water (1 part). Rinse your face with this paste for 3 minutes. Leave for another 1 minute on the surface of the skin, then wash with cold water.
  • Grind oatmeal and dilute it with milk at room temperature. Lubricate the nose with the mixture and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with water.
    Dilute lemon juice with water (1:1). Apply to areas where blackheads have appeared. After 15 minutes, rinse off. You can add honey to the composition if you are not allergic. Instead of lemon juice, you can use apple cider vinegar. This product also has a whitening effect.
  • Add 4 drops of lavender essential oil to 0.5 cups of lemon juice, 100 g of oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 tablespoon of salt. Apply the mask against blackheads to the entire face. When it dries, you can wash it off.
  • Beat 3 egg whites, add 5-6 drops of lemon juice. Distribute over face for 15 minutes, then rinse.
  • A mixture of sandalwood powder, glycerin, rose water, and lemon juice has a cleansing effect. Apply to the nose and wash after drying.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric with coriander leaf juice. Apply to blackheads before bed. In the morning, cleanse your skin with warm water.

Modern cosmetology

The most effective and popular way to combat acne in beauty salons is mechanical facial cleansing. This is the squeezing out of blackheads by a cosmetologist in compliance with all necessary measures. At the same time, the risk of infection is minimal. The procedure is quite painful. The regularity of such cleaning is once every 6-8 weeks. (Read the address about acne).

Other ways to remove blackheads:

  • Vacuum– blackheads are removed with a special device. A tube is applied to the comedone, into which, when exposed to low pressure, the blockage is sucked out, clearing the sebaceous duct.
  • Chemical– apply a mask of fruit acids to problem areas. It promotes the expansion of pores, dissolving the contents of comedones.
  • Ultrasonic– destruction of blackheads occurs under the influence of ultrasound.

If there is a tendency to form blackheads, you need to follow certain rules:

  • Food should be healthy, you must include vegetables and fresh fruits in your diet. Eliminate fatty, heavy foods.
  • To balance hormone levels, you need to exercise at least once a week for 20-30 minutes.
  • Do not wash your face with soap often (twice a day is enough). The best cleansing is with boiled and mineral water.
  • You cannot squeeze out comedones yourself; the skin may turn red, pimples and scars will appear.
  • Avoid getting hair on your face, especially in hot weather. They collect dust and dirt, which are transferred to the face.
  • In order not to disturb the water balance, the surface of the skin should be treated with gentle cosmetics.
  • You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • Avoid overloading the body. Constant stress and lack of sleep can cause skin rashes and accompanying blackheads.
  • Every day before going to bed, cleanse your skin with an appropriate cosmetic product, without leaving any makeup or dirt on your face.

Blackheads can appear on anyone's face. Therefore, it is important to always take care of your skin and clean it on time. It is better to seek the services of professionals. If you deal with this problem at home, you need to be as careful and attentive as possible. Any skin reaction to treatment with various products should be a cause for concern.

From the following video you can learn about a cheap but effective remedy for blackheads on the nose: