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Anna Kalashnikova proved that she had lost a child, but the prokhor Chaliapin does not believe her. The dna test showed that prokhor chaliapin is not the father of the child of anna kalashnikova. What the dna prokhor test showed


After parting with business woman Larisa Kopenkina, singer Prokhor Chaliapin, as you know, began to meet with model Anna Kalashnikova. Until recently, he was preparing for the long-awaited wedding with his beloved, and the other day in the studio Let the artist say a surprise was expected: on the initiative of Kalashnikova, an examination was carried out to show whether Prokhor is the father of Daniel, the son of Anna. See Let them say 04/20/2016 - Prokhor Chaliapin donated DNA.

Let them say: Prokhor Chaliapin donated DNA

In 2015, the popular singer Prokhor Chaliapin became a father: artist and model Anna Kalashnikova gave birth to his son Daniel. The ex-wife Larisa Kopenkina, having learned that Prokhor would become a pope, immediately filed for divorce, which she said in the studio Let them talk. And recently, Chaliapin shared in an interview that he intends to marry Anna. The wedding was scheduled for early May (according to other sources: May 24). “Until the last I did not want any marriage, but Dan brought us closer. I understand that a son should not be without a father, and Anya and I decided to legalize our relationship, ”said the artist.

But suddenly it turns out that Prokhor does not appear anywhere as the father of his little son Daniel. In the column “father”, the child has a dash in the documents, and his middle name is Igorevich, not Prokhorovich or Andreevich. To correct this misunderstanding, Prokhor decided to take a DNA test. “Everyone has already gagged me with dirty gossip, and on the eve of the wedding, Anya and I will put an end to it once and for all,” Chaliapin said. Q - Prokhor Chaliapin passed the DNA - the most anticipated paternity test! What will be his result and will he please the popular singer?

Happy newlyweds arrived on the transfer! The first to enter the studio is Prokhor Chaliapin in a luxurious red jacket:

- A wedding is such a chore! I even forgot about my work. I want everything to be decent, everything to be at the highest level. In one of the best restaurants in Moscow, we have already rehearsed our wedding with Anya. 12 hours filmed on camera, it was very difficult.

The following is a fragment of a video from the wedding rehearsal, as well as shots of the singer’s wedding celebration with her ex-wife Larisa Kopenkina. After which I recall the previous issues of the program Let them say in which Prokhor Chaliapin was the main character.

Other episodes of the show:

Prokhor about Larisa Kopenkina:

- I'm in a good relationship with Larisa. We can both phone and laugh. Anya is against it, but I already have no negative.

Anna Kalashnikova in Let They Talk

The actress and model, lover of Chaliapin and his future wife Anna Kalashnikova, enter the studio of the program in a wedding dress.

- Honestly, there was no offer. But recently, at a photo shoot, he asked me to close my eyes and put on a wedding ring. At such touching moments, it seems to me that he worries even more than I do. For a long time I thought what I want a wedding dress. I chose 3 dresses, one of which is white.

Mom Prokhor Chaliapin on Let them say:

- I saw my grandson only three times. I live in Volgograd, waiting for them to visit.

Anna Kalashnikova:

- Why did we decide to do a DNA paternity test? Every second asked us whether Daniel is the son of Prokhor.

Prokhor Chaliapin passed DNA: examination results

Prokhor Chaliapin and Anna Kalashnikova raise together their son Daniel. Recently, they in a warm company celebrated the boy’s first birthday. It would seem that there are no problems in their relationship. But the singer was repeatedly tormented by doubts that this was not his child, so he decided to take a paternity test.

On the set of the broadcast of the program “Let them talk”, which is expected today at 19:50 on Channel One, the results of this examination became known. Recall that the child Kalashnikova was born more than a year ago. According to Prokhor’s lawyer, Maya Sandler, Anna then refused to have Prokhor pick her up from the hospital, referring to her not being in good shape. This greatly alarmed the close singer. In addition, in the boy’s birth certificate is in the column "middle name" the name of Pope Kalashnikova.

Maya Sandler also reported that, according to a DNA test, his paternity is ruled out. According to the stepsister Chaliapin, two more people may be potential dads of Daniel.

After such news, the upcoming wedding of Chaliapin and Kalashnikova may not take place. Young people have already managed to rehearse the wedding ceremony and take part in a spectacular photo shoot. The bride chose a gorgeous dress with a train and even showed it to her fans on a social network. Chaliapin previously told reporters that he will meet his wife near the registry office on a white horse, since she wants to be a real princess that day. Initially, they planned to sign in April, but they had to postpone the solemn event due to the death of grandmother Anna.

“On the one hand, I have some feelings for Anna. But I do not want to marry a woman who lied to me! Please give me some time so that I can comprehend everything that happened! ”He asked the public. In turn, the bride of the singer Anna immediately wrapped Prokhor in a hug and stated that all these results are a lie and a real forgery.

Recall that earlier on the program “Live” Chaliapin said that he was ready to pass a DNA test, as he had doubts whether Daniel was his own son. Then the ex-wife of Prokhor Laris Kopenkin, with whom he divorced in early 2015, said that everyone has been talking for a long time that the child of Kalashnikova is not from the singer.

“If Prokhor is still marrying this girl, then in any case he will need to adopt a child,” said Sandler’s lawyer.

Some time ago, friends of Kalashnikova told StarHit that the real father of Daniel is the Armenian oligarch. According to Anna's entourage, during her studies at the Correspondence People’s University of the Arts, she began a relationship with one of the university’s employees, Armen. Friends said that he fully provided for his lover: he rented an apartment for a girl in an elite house on Khoroshevskoye Shosse, gave him an expensive car, and helped open showrooms in Moscow. All friends of Kalashnikova are of the opinion that it is he who can be the father of little Daniel.

At the end of May, the former lover of Prokhor Chaliapin admitted that she would become a mother for the second time. The name of the father of the child, 33-year-old Anna Kalashnikova, was kept secret, but did not hide the fact that the man indulges her with expensive gifts. On his birthday, he presented Anna with an apartment worth more than 40 million rubles.


Unfortunately, in the fifth month of pregnancy, the girl lost her baby. Prokhor Chaliapin from the very beginning stated that he did not believe in the pregnancy of his former lover, and said that this story would sooner or later end in a “miscarriage”.



Prokhor has reason to doubt the sincerity of Kalashnikova. In 2015, Anna gave birth to a son, Daniel. The girl claimed that the child’s father was Chaliapin, but it turned out that the actress became pregnant from a former lover, whom she parted with shortly before the beginning of the affair with the artist. Prokhor accused Kalashnikov of betrayal and broke off the engagement.


Recently, Anna and Prokhor became guests of Dmitry Shepelev’s program “Actually”. Former lovers came to the show to use a polygraph to find out everything that they had long wanted to know about each other. Kalashnikova asked the singer to confirm that, even during her first pregnancy, he knew that the child might not be from him. Chaliapin did not deny that he knew about Anna’s previous relationship, but he wanted to know for sure, so he almost lured her into the show “Let them talk” and persuaded her to do a DNA test.

In turn, Prokhor wanted to find out if Kalashnikova was pregnant a second time. Anna stated that she was indeed in a position and had lost a child. The polygraph showed that the model is telling the truth. However, the singer remained unconvinced. “Unfortunately, I do not believe in this,” concluded Chaliapin.

The wedding of a popular singer and his chosen one on the verge of collapse. On the set of the “Let them talk” program, the results of the star’s DNA paternity test became known. It turned out that the child of Anna Daniil is not the son of Prokhor.

Prokhor Chaliapin and Anna Kalashnikova raise together their son Daniel. Recently, they in a warm company celebrated the boy’s first birthday. It would seem that there are no problems in their relationship. But the singer was repeatedly tormented by doubts that this was not his child, so he decided to take a paternity test.

On the set of the program "Let them talk" the results of this examination became known. Recall that the child Kalashnikova was born more than a year ago. According to Prokhor’s lawyer, Maya Sandler, Anna then refused to have Prokhor pick her up from the hospital, referring to her not being in good shape. This greatly alarmed the close singer. In addition, in the boy’s birth certificate is in the column "middle name" the name of Pope Kalashnikova.

Maya Sandler also reported that, according to a DNA test, his paternity is off. According to the stepsister Chaliapin, two more people may be potential dads of Daniel.

After such news, the upcoming wedding of Chaliapin and Kalashnikova may not take place. Young people have already managed to rehearse the wedding ceremony and take part in a spectacular photo shoot. The bride chose a gorgeous dress with a train and even showed it to her fans on a social network. Chaliapin previously told reporters that he will meet his wife near the registry office on a white horse, since she wants to be a real princess that day. Initially, they planned to sign in April, but they had to postpone the solemn event due to the death of grandmother Anna.

“On the one hand, I have some feelings for Anna. But I do not want to marry a woman who lied to me! Please give me some time so that I can comprehend everything that happened! ”He asked the public. In turn, the bride of the singer Anna immediately wrapped Prokhor in a hug and stated that all these results are a lie and a real forgery.

Recall that earlier on the program “Live” Chaliapin said that he was ready to pass a DNA test, as he had doubts whether Daniel was his own son. Then the ex-wife of Prokhor Laris Kopenkin, with whom he divorced in early 2015, said that everyone has been talking for a long time that the child of Kalashnikova is not from the singer.

“If Prokhor is still marrying this girl, then in any case he will need to adopt a child,” said Sandler’s lawyer.

Some time ago, friends of Kalashnikova told StarHit that the real father of Daniel is the Armenian oligarch. According to Anna's entourage, during her studies at the Correspondence People’s University of the Arts, she began a relationship with one of the university’s employees, Armen. Friends said that he fully provided for his lover: he rented an apartment for a girl in an elite house on Khoroshevskoye Shosse, gave him an expensive car, and helped open showrooms in Moscow. All friends of Kalashnikova are of the opinion that it is he who can be the father of little Daniel.